November 26, 2014 my Cousin came by to see me after 30 years plus. - TopicsExpress


November 26, 2014 my Cousin came by to see me after 30 years plus. Needless to say it was a welcomed visit. Gene Johnson is the son of my Daddy, Fred Eugene Mayss, sister. Gene has been an Evangelist as far back as I can remember. God provided for his ministry with Contributions from churches, self supported by his professionalism in commercial sign painting. God provided his funding for 6 motor homes across the years during this ministry. God has been good to him and many people have been saved during his ministry. Below I will share a short story from one of many books that he has published before going on to my daily post. Boy and Birdcage is the title. A boy has a bird in a birdcage. His Dad asked him what he was going to do with the bird. Oh Ill have fun with it, play with it, maybe let the cat have it and kill it. Satan and Jesus had a conversation after Satan set a trap and caught the world. Jesus asked, What are you going to do with them (The World). Ill have fun, teach them to hate, kill, smoke, drink heavily, and forsake one another. Ill teach them to invent guns and bombs ext., just to have fun. Jesus asked, What will you do when youre done. Satan responded, Oh, Ill kill them. Jesus asked, “How much do you want for them, (The World)? Satan responded, You dont want those people, they will hate you, spit on you, beat you, and kill you. Jesus asked again, How Much. Satan responded, All your blood, tears and LIFE. Jesus responded without hesitation, “DONE DEAL and the rest of the story can be found in Matthew 27 and 28. Be prepared, the sacrifice that played out in these scriptures will bring tears to your eyes, but will pull the Holy Spirit into your soul. Reminder, My Sister has not been told about my new development and Id rather spare her of this news until we understand the final results. No matter God is in control and my destiny and cure is in his hands. Ann, Krystin and myself, have had some long prayers and conversations since Tuesday following the news. Lots of tears, hugs and prayers continue with much hope for an outcome that could be a lesser devastation to my body. Infection spots would be nice; my body has been through a lot. Non-cancerous tumors would be acceptable to be removed as needed in the future. And the last would be cancer in three spots cured by God and modern medicine. Well take what every God feels is best. God knows best and we stand by his decision. God is good. I am truly blessed with Great Children. Praying openly with you children is a mighty blessed feeling. God truly blessed us with children that understand Gods love and comfort needs. They understand he is always with us and have all stayed positive about what Ive now changed from my Adventure to My Mess is now my Message. Cant remember where I got this from, but believe it was from TV church serve prior to making my way to Church Sunday morning. Cancer is the Mess I got myself into and the results is my search for a cure through Jesus Christ and the message is my witness is to all those that will listen and receive what God has laid on my heart for you to hear. I am in hopes that our Gods words have been a blessing to you and your friends. Your following and words of encouragement have been so uplifting to me. Gods blessings are felt to the bottom of my heart and soul. No fear resides in my body or mind over this Mess, only the Love and comfort of Gods blessing. If you also have a Mess, I pray God bestows the same piece upon you this day. I love you all and may God bless you daily. Rick, Ann and Krystin.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 07:07:30 +0000

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