November 30, 2014 - Nov 7 Along the way….. Don’t you - TopicsExpress


November 30, 2014 - Nov 7 Along the way….. Don’t you just love how God unfolds things in your life? How people, events and looking back each day is pure evidence that God is God. It is pouring rain right now and I think about what Brian Fulton said when it was raining hard one Sunday morning at church in Alabama “rain down on us Holy Spirit.” The past few days I haven’t felt well and yesterday just had to stay in bed with the flue. This morning I realized that was exactly where God wanted me, to not be busy but to spend time alone with him. God keeps showing me that I need to be completely still and listen. “Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted in the earth. The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.” Psalms 46:10-11 The past few days have had sweet little memories. Last weekend, when we were at Margaret’s, Kenny & I went for a walk. We walked past Kyeuyene and Juliet’s home. They invited us in and after a while, Juliet went and brought out a large photo of Luke. On New Year’s Eve 2013 we were Skyping with Margaret and Luke’s brother came to tell her that Luke was run over by a truck and killed. He was on his bicycle and the truck ran over him lengthwise and then backed over him to make sure he was dead. It was a tragic event. We spent time with him last year and he told us he wanted to be a pastor. When Juliet brought out the photo she kneeled down and started to weep. I kneeled beside her and just held her, my heart ached for her. The next day she hurried her work so she could go to church with us. She wanted to hear Kenny preach. I believe they have 13 kids remaining; some are relatives that needed a home. This family is a very sweet family who we love. This week was also a week of kids doing exams and some graduating as it is the end of the term. Job, our friend from CLA came by because he just wanted to hang out with us. He showed us photos etc. of a youth soccer team he started. He makes sure that they start each match with prayer and end in Bible study. He loves to mentor these youth. He is energetic and loves the Lord. He has gone to his home for break. James came by and we sat and visited for a long time. He is one of the founders of YICA Youth for Christ Africa. We talked about his dreams, his future and wanting to be sure we kept in touch. He just graduated and we for sure want to go and see him at his home. On Thanksgiving Day, a young man who works on the ranch killed our turkey and he and Kenny plucked the feathers etc. We then stuck the large bird in our tiny oven to roast. It took several hours but it cooked. We had Margaret, David, and the Lund Family (new missionaries with 4 kids) to eat with us. Richard came just to say bye-bye as he was leaving for the Holiday. Peace who just graduated came by to say bye-bye and ate with us. She kept taking my hands and looking into my eyes and saying “I’m really going to miss you”. We for sure want to visit her and her family in the future. Friday was a day that we decided to rest a bit since I wasn’t feeling very well. Joshua came by and he told us that he was not able to go with the other kids this weekend to a conference as someone stole his packed bag and he only had the clothes on his back. He said if only he had washed the clothes he was wearing he could have gone. Kenny gave him some jeans and a tee shirt to wear so his clothes could be washed. We spent the rest of the day going through the training that we did from Meta Camp with him. It was great to study the Bible together and it all felt so natural. Kenny & I both felt that God was saying to us “this is what I want you to do, train these kids to make disciples who make disciples.” We had a very nice day with him. Saturday I went to bed with the flu. Joshua came by because he had some good news. He was offered some work to do in a nearby village and noticed a boda boda driver wearing one of the shirts that was in the bag that had been stolen. He very calmly asked the driver where he got the shirt because he thought it was his. He told us that before he came to know Jesus he would have been quick to anger and would have been so mad. He didn’t get angry and even said, “if the shirt is yours then fine, but if it’s mine then give it to me.” The guy finally said he had bought it the day before from another guy. After talking to the other guy, he found out that another student had stolen his bag and this village guy who had a reputation as a thief was selling some of the items. He ended up giving Joshua back some of the clothes, the other clothes and phones went with the thief to Kampala. Joshua was very calm and gentle though the people of the village wanted to beat up the village guy who had helped the thief but Joshua told them “don’t do that”. He showed forgiveness and God blessed him with some of his clothes back. Joshua always mentions how important parents are. His were killed as they visited Kenya in 2007 and a civil war broke out. Some guys killed them and stole their car. His sister died this past December. He talks about how much his Mom always prayed for him and knew what he was up to. I told him I understood as I never stop praying for our children and know that if they met these kids they would love them all. I went back to bed and he and Kenny spent the day together. Kenny even made some turkey soup. Very good I might add “Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.” Psalm 82: 3-4 Sometimes I am amazed at God’s timing. I just finished a book about human trafficking and started a new book on the genocide in Rwanda. We watched the movie called “An Unconventional War” about the horrific slaughter of people in Northern Uganda a few years ago. This is in addition to the horrific terror that was a result of Idi Amin earlier. Human traffickers watch for vulnerable children who have gone through horrible things. Our hearts break for people who have lived through these wars. As Kenny mentioned, the president and many Pastors and Christians throughout Uganda started repenting for this country that was worshipping Satan through witchcraft. Then and only then did it stop. Kenny said “just think, Haiti and the Dominican Republic are on the same island and yet so different. If only Haiti would repent, pray, seek God’s face and turn from the worship of Satan and Voodoo perhaps they would see a change.” We feel like Jeremiah and Ezra who wept for the sins of their countries. We feel like God has us here to encourage the Christian youth who all want to go back to their homes to bring the Hope of Jesus. We are here to pray hard against the witchcraft that is around again. We all need to join hands and pray hard for not only this country, the USA but the world. Jesus will return with the sound of a trumpet, no one knows the day or hour. Are we ready? Is there someone you know that needs to hear the good news of Jesus Christ? “Soon and very soon we are going to see the King.” Love, Marilyn December 7, 2014 Well, since I didn’t get a chance to send the above, I will add to it. This has been a very hard week for us but it has also helped us to spend lots and lots of time in prayer and in God’s word. We have been prayed over by many people and felt their love. Being on the field is not always easy but it’s where God wants us. We have also both been sick and spent some time away from the ranch which we needed. We continue to seek God in all that we do and feel refreshed as so many people here have come to show their support of us. We love these people and know that God wants us here. The enemy is on the prowl and doesn’t want good things to happen. So we continue to pray for an extra thick hedge of protection around us, the other workers, ACM, Margaret and David and all who work here. We pray for wisdom and discernment and for God to help us to love as He loves. God continues to show us many verses about seeking justice and helping the oppressed. He showed me much in Colossians 3 & 4 about working together. He shows us much about how he hates evil in the world and how important it is to pray hard as a church, a country and as an individual. He longs to have a deep intimate relationship with each of us. He longs so much for us to tell others about Him. We are so thankful for each of you. Thank you for your prayers, we feel them. Thank you for your kind words, financial support and your love. We do love each of you much. We are in this together. “I thank my God for every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in your will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. “ Phillippians 1:3-6 Love, Marilyn We are all missionaries, please watch this video, you will be blessed. https://youtube/watch?v=qmD1M62gHBA&index=6&list=UUS6MBnas7OMzppqEMKfYBKg
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 17:36:00 +0000

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