November 30th, 2013 Hi All: Well it is Saturday 1:00 pm and I - TopicsExpress


November 30th, 2013 Hi All: Well it is Saturday 1:00 pm and I slept all morning. Not much going on for me. I wish I had a better life but I am trying so hard to keep it together. I am still waiting to hear from the Law Office as to whether or not I was hired to work there. Even knowing it is a no go is better than not knowing at all. I was originally told it would be about a 2 week waiting time and it is now going on 2 months. All the other agencies did contact me and told me it was a no go for whatever their reasons. I feel I am a fantastic worker, so if they dont go with me then it is their loss even if they do hore someone who has the same skills. If the person is younger then eventually that person will move on. I intend to stay until retirement unless I can get somewhere with social service employment. My sometime bf left a message for me this morning and we had planned to have a Thanksgiving Day meal in my apartment and he has now negated it. It was a post Thanksgiving meal as on Thursday morning instead of coming out here to meet me and go to dinner as we both planned, he decided first to hang out in a nearby Dunkin Donuts coffee shoppee where he lives. He went to the nearby candy store and purchased on credit a can of beer and the cashier called the police. He was given a background check and because he had unpaid tickets for the same thing was brought into Central Booking. He spent the holiday in jail! I went to my program and had a fairly nice time. It wasnt the Thanksgiving Holiday celebration to end all celebrations but it was something. So what did I do> I enjoyed the atmosphere and the meal. There was live entertainment in the living room area, and it was then time to leave as the place closed at around 3. The rest of my evening was so so! Peter called around 11;00 pm and told me what happened. He had no Thanksgiving Holiday meal. So we spoke and I suggested he come here for dinner Sunday and the 2 of us can go grocery shopping and we could get a small turkey breast and stuffing etc, he was agreeable to that. Today at around 11:00 am I get a vm message that he wants me to come by him and if I need to borrow cash he will lend it to me. I couldnt believe him! Peter lives in a 12 x 9 room in a building that rents rooms. There is no kitchen share and he has to share the restroom. Most people who move in there stay the most 2 or 3 years to pull their finances together and then move on to a one bedroom apt or studio. Peter is there for 12 years. So he had to borrow someone elses cellular phone to call me as he didnt as yet pay his cellular bill. I had no way to connect with him then. He said the problem will be resolved late this afternoon. I am not going out there in this cold weather. I had my holiday celebration, and he didnt/ I have food in my apartment. and will have my money come in on the 3rd. I will make it through like I always did. So that is the end for this holiday season. I spoke to a friend of mine who relocated to Indiana, and he is having some difficulties of his ow. Has a physical problem that has to be evaluated, and has an aging mother 88 living with him that has lost the will to live. He did have a pleasant Thanksgiving but his personal problems have grown. He could handle a lot but the physical problem is the big issue now. He worked very hard to get to the place in life he is at and to have some complications is horrible. But we all create whatever happens to us for a purpose. It is something we all need in different areas. I am trying to figure out mine at the moment. I have no intention of heading out to see Peter for any reason, the agreement was he would come to me. I have a full kitchen area and private bathroom. I am in a 1 bedroom apt and I am in an area I like. The apartment isnt huge but it is okay for me. I always felt I would be in a different place in my life now; married in anice comfy home with children and grandchildren but for whatever reasons that wasnt meant for me. All I want now is a job with a possibility of advancement and enough pay to get me out of debt, Hopefully it will happen soon. I think I am beginning to accept the fact I am going to be alone at 60 it doesnt seem feasible to think otherwise. Thank-you for listening, Eloise/2013
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 18:25:48 +0000

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