November 5th, 2013 JUST FOR TODAY, I will know the cost of love - TopicsExpress


November 5th, 2013 JUST FOR TODAY, I will know the cost of love and pay the price. For, love is the greatest, and the most luminous entity in the world, and like anything of immense value, it must have its own price. The walk of love cannot come easily. Neither can it come without tremendous personal sacrifice. For, each time I choose to love another, unconditionally, it will cost me something. It will cost me time. It will cost me effort. It will cost me money. For, nothing ennobling comes without sacrifice that borders on the divine. And that is why we are told to count the cost before making the commitment. Friend, developing the walk of love is like digging for gold. For, true, unconditional love is rarely found on the surface of life, and I must eagerly pursue and seek it. Desire! Is it not true that there are different degrees of desire? Is it not true that we want many things, but there are only a few things we desire so much that we are willing to sacrifice to have them? Today, I will desire to have love in my heart. To do this, I will study love. I will read books on love. And I will know everything that the Son of Man said about love. I will seek out someone who operates in love and study him. How does he handle his fellow being? How does he handle adversity, and difficult, tense situations? How does he give of his time, effort and resources? For, to fly like the eagle, that greatest of all birds, I must perch on his back, and learn to spread out my wings of flight the way he does his. Today, I will display my love by meeting the needs of others. I will meet their practical needs, and their spiritual needs, for, what is generosity if not merely love in action? My love will be seen through edification and encouragement. My love will be seen through patience and kindness. My love will be seen through courtesy and humility. My love will be seen through good temper and gentleness. My love will be seen through unselfishness and sincerity. Friend, do you know the easiest, and the most common denominator in our lives? It is the propensity to find something wrong in any, and everyone. And what is the panacea for this classic dilemma? It is simple. Paul, in the Book of Life, in his First Letter to Peter said: Above all things; have intense and unfailing love for one another; for love covers a multitude of sins. That is the answer! My love will cover a multitude of sins! I am liberated! ACTION EXERCISE Today, make a list of the people who offended you in the last forty eight hours. Next to each persons name, write down what they did. Consider that they did it based on their own level of understanding. And that, if they knew better, they probably would have done better. Consider that, even if they consciously meant you harm, they are blissfully ignorant of the greater harm they cause themselves. Now, by a supreme act of your conscious will, simply love them. And as you love them, slowly draw a line across their sin to cancel it! Can you hear a loud noise in the recesses of your conscience? Its the sound of the Angels clapping for you! They are exceedingly proud of you! Congratulations, faithful man! Congratulations, faithful woman! Dr. Yomi Garnett theglobalinstituteinc
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 13:22:18 +0000

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