November 6 Update: Several hours ago we blasted past our goal - TopicsExpress


November 6 Update: Several hours ago we blasted past our goal of 15,000 likes. I am speechless. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine this would grow so quickly. Its because each and every one of you have made this what it has become so far. Together we are creating quite a phenomena! I want to talk about something very important in light of all that is happening at Fukushima and the world at large. In this article I am addressing the spiritual aspects of ourselves in connection with Fukushima. I am speaking to you from my heart. In my opinion there are two ways of dealing with all this information about the horrors of Fukushima and its effect on Japan, the Japanese people, everything in the Pacific ocean and the world at large. You can choose to either respond in Love, or in Fear. I choose to respond in Love, because it is from that place where compassion flows. It is from that place where my actions are informed and empowered. When I choose the path of Love, it means I am committed to keeping my heart open at all costs, through all the pain and all the joy. It all flows from the same tap. I do not close down to the suffering of others. Through love I contain it, and I transmute it. It is a paradox that the ultimate strength can be found in complete vulnerability. It is allowing ourselves to be open to all possibilities that we find the answers to the problems we face. Surrendering to vulnerability gives rise to the great calling within ourselves to actualize our divine nature. We only need to let go of ourselves and embrace it. It does no good to be in judgment or resentment about situations outside of yourself. It is another paradoxical truth that all judgment is self-judgment. When I judge another I can feel the pain in my own heart when I pay attention. The poison of resentment is carried within myself, not the person or thing Im resentful of. These are emotions that close down the heart, and with it the compassion and love that bring out the best in us. Fear keeps us focused in the mind and closes us down from the greater wisdom of the heart. It disempowers us, it disconnects us from our strengths, our compassion, from each other. I dont fear the worst, I am grateful that in this moment the worst has not happened. To be in a state of gratitude for all the good things in ones life is extraordinarily important now. As gratitude flows so does the compassion for the suffering, and I am effortlessly moved into being of service in any way possible. It is through the flow of compassion that this page came into being. In many ways we are all responsible for Fukushima. I choose to take responsibility for my part in this disaster, because I understand that by doing so Im empowering myself to shift the energy from the darkness into the light. Through meditation, we move past the limiting ideas of the mind and into the greater wisdom of the heart. It is through the heart that we connect with the higher and more expansive aspects of our selves, not bound by time and space, where everything we need flows into awareness. One of my spiritual teachers taught me this: The higher self is the conceiver of all new ideas, the brain is the receiver, and the mind is the perceiver. So most of us have it backwards. We task our minds with the responsibility of looking for solutions to the problems we face. This is not how our minds were meant to be used. We must move past the mind to that place of stillness where all epiphanies, great ideas, and solutions are created. This is what its going to take to solve the Fukushima crisis. So, let us come together in meditation, choosing to let go of our fears, our sense of disempowerment, our judgments, our beliefs and opinions about what is or is not possible. Let us come together in the spirit of love, compassion and joy. Joy is the frequency that raises us above our struggles. Let us flow to that place of infinite possibilities and miracles. You are love. You are joy. You are a miracle of infinite possibilities. Deep Gratitude to You, Jen
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 17:21:09 +0000

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