November 7th gratitude- Im thankful I was able to catch an - TopicsExpress


November 7th gratitude- Im thankful I was able to catch an important word picture life lesson thru a clip from a football game! What the short clip showed was a replay of a guy who had the ball, was going for a touchdown and had 3 men either on his back or pulling on him. As I watched him FIGHT to put another foot foward to make that touchdown, I had an epiphany! If he had been on the 50 yard line, Im sure he would have just let the men take him down. But because the goal was only a few feet away, he pushed forward...pushing thru the power the opposite team members were placing on him as they tried to take him down...and he MADE THE TOUCHDOWN! The life lesson to be learned here is that when we dont have the goal in our sight, we more easily let the pressures of life pull us to the ground. But when we focus on the goal....THAT incentive is enough is empower us to remain standing and taking that next step...and then another until weve made our touchdown! (figuritively speaking) So find your goal and set your eyes steadfast on that goal. Then when the pressures of life try to hold you back, youll be able to press thru! It all depends on where you set your sights!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 22:42:04 +0000

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