November 8 Alright so about 3 weeks ago I was standing out in the - TopicsExpress


November 8 Alright so about 3 weeks ago I was standing out in the back yard having a smoke. I had already put the dogs in side and i was just standing out in the middle of the yard. This was at about 2 or 3 am maybe 4am. I was facing the house and all of a sudden (there was no wind or storm clouds) I hear this sound from behind me. I actually turned around while I jumped and put my fists up. There wasnt anything there. It sounded like a raccoon / 90 mile an hour winds coming through a tree. I frantically looked around and nothing was around me. I finished my smoke and went inside. Two weeks ago I was outside with the dogs again it was about 1 or 2 am not later. I was standing in the same spot I always do facing the house. The dogs were out with me this time when it happened. As I was looking at the house. From around the corner of the house next to our neighbors driveway I see a shadow of a head and left shoulder peak out as to see what I was doing. The dogs didnt see or sense this presents. Which is odd because I can be standing at the back door with both dogs and Lady goes running and barking at people walking down the side walk that are still 2 or more houses down. So I know what I saw that night wasnt some teen messing around. About a week and a half ago I was sitting in the living room playing Black Ops 1 live. Now almost every time Im down there playing I hear someone walk into the kitchen from the breezeway. I know this because I know where the squeak in the floor is. One night Im playing and I hear this but also something else. It sounded odd enough for me to stare for a bit as I peered into the kitchen. I didnt see anything and yes all the animals were accounted for because I always do a head count with any experience. About an hour or two later I get up to go out for a smoke and as I step into the kitchen theres a zip lock baggy on the floor. This bag has been sitting on top of the conventional oven for I dont know how long and this has never happened before. We always, every day have these baggies on top there. I told my grandma the next day and she said: Thats so weird. Me and Grandpa were sitting down in here having dinner and 20 mins in we heard something fall and it was that bag. She put it back up there and it took 10 hours for it to fall again? By itself?? I doubt it. And a little note, We cant turn the fan on in the kitchen because if the parakeets get any draft. Theyll die. So about 4 or 5 days ago I was standing out front having a smoke at like 4am I wanna say and to the right, right above me is a electrical line that goes from our house to WE Energies across the street. Were the only house that has a separate line. I saw a flash of light come from the upper right of me. OK NOW, if this was something non paranormal: If an electrical line like that would have any types of issues to cause it to spark or flash. A: The sparks and then fire would be at the breaker on the poll across the street or at the entry point of the house, OR even inside the house. That didnt happen. B: If where I saw this flash the was a slit, cut or break in the line it would have kept flashing. The flash happened once and I havent seen it ever again thus far. When I was trying to carefully look at the line I didnt notice any red glowing spots or any sign of damage. The flash was so bright it was like burning magnesium for a split second. So tonight a few things happened: I went down stairs to grab some grub, Im standing by the sink (not leaning on the counter) and something tugged on my shorts very gently. I looked down and nothing was there. I finished making my food, went upstairs, ate, nothing happened. I went down stairs, turned on the light above the sink as I always do and rinsed my plate off. Im standing at the cupboard grabbing a bowl out and I just feel like somethings there but I shove it off and grab some Ice Cream, because food is my vice. I look to my left as Im standing at the counter (meaning Im looking into the living room which has a night light in it always so that no one kills themselves in the middle of the night) and I see this black shadow dart up the stairs. I immediately stopped what I was doing and did a head count. Frisky (cat 1) is laying on the head rest of the love seat, Tiger (Cat 2) is laying on the recliner curled up and passed out. Because theyre sleepy head kitties. So I finish making my bowl of Ice Cream and start making my way up stairs. As I get to the first step (I always look up the stairs, not looking for anything. Just where my eyes go involuntarily every time) I notice something sitting on the stairs but it could have been the light and darkness playing with my eyes, so I throw that out. I get into bed and a few minutes go by and I see this white rhombus shape light come from my door, go past my bed and disappear at the foot of my bed. The (I dont even want to call it a light because it looked like a paper cut out in white construction paper) rhombus was towards the ceiling but not on the actual wall. It was free floating. So I immediately take my head phones off and pause my video. I look to my doorway and theres a shadow figure (child height) standing just out side my door in the darkness. I said I can see you, I know youre there. You dont have to be afraid of me, you can show yourself to me or not. Its your choice with how comfortable you feel. He or she disappeared and its been neutral since I started typing an hour ago.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 02:07:00 +0000

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