November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month and, as - TopicsExpress


November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month and, as well, Family Caregivers Month. “Soup for Victoria” depicts the effect of dementia on the life of an elegant older lady and her family friend caregiver. There are hundreds of thousands of “Victorias” and there are millions of people who love and care for them. I have two important reasons, then, for sharing these comments from readers: to raise awareness of this disease and its effect on families; to honor family caregivers. Below are some comments from readers who were kind enough to share their feelings. “I just lost my mom to Alzheimer’s a few weeks ago, and keeping her dignity was important to her and to me. I would take her out to eat, and toward the end, she could not use utensils anymore and it got messy, but it was more important that we went out together to eat than that there was a mess.” John “When I miss my mom really bad, I go back and read the story over again. It’s like having her with me…I get to visit with her whenever I read ‘Soup for Victoria.’” Susan “I work only part time now because I want to be home with my mother. She does so much better when I am around…..being around is something that I can do to help her.” Robert “I miss my sweet mom so much it hurts. Your book brings me comfort.” June If you would like to read “Soup for Victoria,” please buy the book or go to mybookbroker to read it. Thank you for your comments. Please stay in touch.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 16:00:09 +0000

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