Novena to Our Lady Of Perpetual Help DAY 6 Act Of - TopicsExpress


Novena to Our Lady Of Perpetual Help DAY 6 Act Of Contrition My Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, my Father and Redeemer, behold at Thy feet a poor sinner who has so grievously afflicted Thy loving Heart, O lovable Jesus! How could I have offended Thee and filled with bitterness that Heart that loves me so and that has spared no effort to attain my Joy? How great has been my Ingratitude! But, O my Savior, be consoled, be consoled, I say to Thee; now I find myself repentant, such grief I feel for the afflictions I have caused Thee, that I would like to die of pure sorrow and contrition. O my Jesus! Who could make me weep for sin as Thou hast wept for it in Thy mortal life! My soul is oppressed for having offended Thee. Eternal Father, in satisfaction for my offenses I offer Thee the affliction and the sorrow the Heart of Thy Divine Son has felt for them. And Thou, O loving Jesus! Give me such a horror for sin that from now on it may make me avoid even the most trifling of faults. Depart from my heart, earthly affections I do not want to love anything now but my most bountiful Redeemer O my Jesus, help me, strengthen me, and pardon me My Mother of Perpetual Help, intercede for me and obtain for me the pardon of my sins. PREPARATORY PRAYER To Be Said Every Day O Most Blessed Virgin Mary! Who to Inspire us with boundless confidence has been pleased to take the sweet name of Mother of Perpetual Help, I implore Thee to come to my aid always and everywhere, In my temptations, after my falls, in my difficulties, in all miseries of life and, above all, at the hour of my death. Give me, O loving Mother, the desire nay more, the habit always to have recourse to Thee; for I feel assured that if I am faithful in invoking Thee, Thou wilt be faithful in coming to my assistance. Obtain for me, then, this grace of grace, the grace to pray to Thee without ceasing, and with childlike trust, that by means of my constant plea, I may ensure Thy Perpetual Help and final perseverance. Bless me, O tender and solicitous Mother, pray for me now and at the hour of my death. Amen. MEDITATION Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Sustains Devotees In The Practice Of Virtues If it were sufficient to avoid sin in order to agreeable in everything to the Lord, the benign office or our Mother would stop at this; for this alone She would provide Her perpetual help. But God is, not content with not being offended; he requires positive service; he wants us to be perfect. ”Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect” and truly. He wants us to dedicate ourselves to the practice of these Christian virtues. But how many difficulties are encountered in the path leads to the holy mountain of perfection! It seems that good, solely because it is good, is now contrary to our corrupt nature. Just souls who have consecrated yourselves to the practice of piety, have you not found it so? O! How arid and sterile is our heart, how incapable of producing any fruit worthy of life eternal, If the heavenly waters of grace do not fall to fertilize It! When a soul truly wishes to sanctify itself, it renounces itself, advancing each day in perfection, experiencing what the author of the “Imitation” says: “that sanctification is not child’s play, nor the work of one day”, then it feels the need of perpetual and powerful help, of continual assistance. Ah, and this perpetual help, perchance we do not have it? Why do we withdraw? Why turn in the face of difficulty? Do we not have Our Lady of Perpetual Help to protect us? Take courage, generous souls; your Mother will help you. Do you not see that She presents you to the Infant Jesus? And why, except to incite us to the practice of virtue? The knowledge alone that his King is watching him gives courage to the warrior in combat. Thus, when good is made difficult for us, when we are about to weaken, let us fix our glance on the Image of Our Lady of Perpetual help. The sight of the adorable Infant Who one day must reward us, encourages us, and we will have the courage to practice the most heroic virtues. Children of Mary, would you like to be truly virtuous, but always find in your interior that reserve of self-love that poisons your good works? Invoke Our Lady of Perpetual Help and in a little while your spirit, like Hers, will seek nothing but the good pleasure and glory of God. Are you the target of continuous contradictions? Do you lack patience? Invoke Our Lady of Perpetual help frequently ‘and you will be meek humble of heart. Is it your desire to live detached from all disordered affections for creatures, but that miserable heart always takes, delight in the vanities of the world? Invoke Our Lady of, perpetual help and you will grasp the vanity of everything created. The white lily of chastity has enamored you do you want to preserve it immaculate or acquire it” again, if through misfortune you lost it? Invoke Our Lady of Perpetual Help and soon you will be singing within yourself to Him Who grazes among the, lilies. “As the lily among thorns, so is my beloved among the’ daughter” Faith, hope and charity, queen of virtues, wish to place their throne in your heart? Who will grant you that favour but the Virgin Who bears on lies forehead the star of faith and the Cross, that is all our hope, and in Her arms, the love of the Divine Jesus? The wound of an Insult received does not want to heal? Invoke Our Lady of Perpetual Help and you will succeed in doing good to those who offended you. Finally, are you in the flower of your age? Does the choice of a way of life concern you? Pray to her like other souls whom She has helped, enlightening them about the vanities of the world and enkindling in them the low of their God, to the point of their abandoning everything and consecrating themselves to the Lord, by means of the sacred vows of religion. And finally, if you have chosen your vocation and wish to work out your sanctification in the world, make yourself a devotee of Our Lady of Perpetual help and you will attain it. O with what speed those who consecrate themselves to the veneration of Our Lady advance on the path of perfection that precious devotion seems to give them wings to fly to the heights of Sanctity; let the priests who have Inculcated It in their penitents speak about It. O, only In Heaven will it be known how many souls have reached perfection through that so easy means. Dedicate yourselves, then, pious souls, from now on, to the service of that gracious Mother and one day you will be Her crown In glory. Meditate and ask. . . Recite The Joys JOYS Thou art Perpetual Help benign: Come, therefore, I implore Thee; Come hasten to assist me, O Mother sweet and kind! Hear, 0 Virgin pure, Our fervent prayers of love That fly to Thee above On Thine exalted Throne. Come hasten to assist me, O Mother sweet and kind! Stained by guilt and sin I bow my head and cry And at Thy feet I sig For clemency and love. Come hasten… Free the careless’ soul From all its tepid ways, And set the soul ablaze With fervor in devotion. Come hasten…. Wretched in this vale Of pain and tribulation, For heavenly consolation I humbly beg of Thee. Come hasten…. If my virtue wanes When tempests howl and roar, My energies restore, beloved Morning Star, Come hasten…. To Thy faithful child Encouragement provide And toward virtue guide His weak, unsteady steps. Coma hasten… Free my fickle heart From all its lassitude, And grant it fortitude To lead a sinless life. Come hasten In the final clash With death in all Its fright, How great my soul’s delight If then I can exclaim: come hasten In Purgatory’s fire, Dear Mother, please be sweet; Great Lady, I entreat, Alleviate my pains. Come hasten Grant me, Mother dear, As fond farewell to Thee, To sing eternally With love and praise to Thee Come hasten to assist me, O Mother Sweet and kind! EJACULATORY PRAYER O Mother of Perpetual help. I want to be a faithful imitator of Thy virtues; help me in such a noble undertaking. EXERCISE Recite the Holy Rosary in honour of Our Lady of Perpetual Help to obtain the gift of never weakening in the practice of virtue. PRAYER O my Mother of Perpetual Help! How is it possible that, with Thy being so holy. I must be so wicked? Today I do not come to ask temporal goods of Thee, but things more pleasing to Thy Heart. Thou art most humble; attain for me, then, humility and love for contempt. Thou who wast most patient in the afflictions of life, obtain for me patience In adversities. Thou, who lived always withdrawn from everything created, obtain for me detachment from all created. Thou Who wast always pure and spotless, attain for me a perfect purity of heart. Thou, Who wast filled with love for God, attain for me the gift of holy and pure love. Thou, Who wast all charity for Thy neighbor, grant that I may have a holy and efficacious love for my brothers. Thou, Who wast always united to the will of God, obtain the same grace for me, above all in my choice of a state of life, and a complete conformity with all the dispositions of Divine providence. In a word: O most holy of creatures, make me a saint!. These are the graces I beg of Thee. Do not let me weaken in the practice of O Mary, my Mother, my love, my life, my refuge, my consolation, my Perpetual Help. Amen. EXAMPLE Interior afflictions were tormenting a woman of Finales to the extent that she was suffering grave harm in her peace and in her health, in 1873, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, and of the numerous graces She lavished, she took several little images, and made, with the consent of her father, a vow to go to Rome for a visit to the sanctuary of Our lady, if she recovered tranquility in her soul. The Blessed Virgin heard her. Hardly had she formulated her vow when she felt herself free of her interior sufferings and, together with peaces her strength returned, sleep, appetite, and in a word, health of soul and body. May the virgin of perpetual Help be loved, praised, invoked and eternally blessed! May She be my hope, my love, my Mother, my refuge and my life. Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 04:20:33 +0000

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