Now Britain accused of using evidence obtained by torture of - TopicsExpress


Now Britain accused of using evidence obtained by torture of Guantanamo inmate Previously secret CIA files reveal for the first time that intelligence provided to the US by Mr Begg while he was being held in Guantanamo Bay helped identify and locate “dirty bomber” Dhiren Barot – also known as “Issa al-Britani” or “al-Hindi” – in 2004. This week’s Senate report into CIA torture found that “enhanced interrogation techniques” applied to Guantanamo detainees, including the man behind the 9/11 attack, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, were not central to Barot’s arrest, or any other significant breakthrough. However, the report also describes how drawings made by Mr Begg – one of Britain’s most controversial Islamists, who claims to have been beaten and deprived of sleep in Guantanamo Bay, although not waterboarded – helped lead British security services to Barot. The information sheds new light on the way in which British and US intelligence officials shared information obtained from people mistreated in detention. In a letter to The Independent last night, lawyers for Mr Begg rejected any suggestion that he “volunteered or co-operated in the provision of information to any intelligence service” – maintaining his treatment also amounted to torture. They added: “Insofar as he was tortured and under extreme and unlawful continuing duress for three-and-a-half [...] sheffieldinnews/now-britain-accused-of-using-evidence-obtained-by-torture-of-guantanamo-inmate/
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 23:30:32 +0000

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