Now I got a dog mag today and one content really did scare me - TopicsExpress


Now I got a dog mag today and one content really did scare me utterly and it is with this good reason why I am going to try and put up in the new year a new facebook page as it will affect every person who has a dog from one of the seven major charites who belong to ADUK. When ever I give a talk I explain just what ADUK is and does that is why we have it, I also add that in our world we have those seven charites now unlike in the business world we are not in any way in competiton with each other nor do we say ever our charity is the best that never happens far from it the charites all work and strive together to bring the end result that is dogs for those who world is unlike the able bodied. But in the past few years a awful creeping thing is happening in this world of our people who set up dog charites and tell disabled people why wait for a dog for a X number of years we can supply you sooner with a trained dog. Now so sadly these people are unaware of the full background in relation to working dogs and being allowed by law to go every where. Those charites set up do not say excuse me we are not part of ADUK and as such the dog we issue will not be allowed in Mc Donalds or ASDA simple as that. They will not hold ID Card with full creditations as we do. Simply they just hold well trained dogs but at the end of the day a pet dog. Now I am not trying the following getting people to address the problem by saying our charity is best as I say we are all together all seven charites that issued dogs to us or in AID charites case trained your own dog but all to the great high ADUK Standard. So my aim is to be the following I want us ALL to join my page I set up and if you get problems and they are truthful and factul I will pass it on to ADUK. I want ADUK to start in 2015 to stop these over night charites popping up like mushrooms in a field. I am not like a certain a certain person a egotist I want this new page to be yours but I want it to be a truthful factual page so I or who ever can copy the remarks and place them before ADUK and hope they act maybe if our voice is joint and truthful then they must take notice and act. If you think this is all rubbish and nonsense well your entitled to your opinion but think of this, if ADUK keeps letting these jump up over night charites with out correct creditations do what they want, one day your be told by your charity your dog cannot go into say ASDA Tesco or where ever why? Simple our dogs are so well trained do we fear them weeing or pooing in a aisle god no way but it will only take one of those non acredited dogs to do just that and Tesco cum Morrison cum ASDA who ever will say ALL Dogs are barred, your be saying they cannot do that but they can it is their own property and if they think ALL dogs are like the rogue ones then the blanket ban will be issued until who ever charity acts to sort out the situation. Understand it is going to happen it has already happen in one supermarket and luck has it they banned the person and did not banned all Assistance Dogs. I had one case in which a woman tried portray she held a Guide Dog a offical one until she enter court, another woman wrote on a yellow jacket disabled dog working in hand felt pen writing she even manged to gain a American Service Dog jacket and again say this is a offical working dog. Does shop owners supermarket companies now of the symbol of ADUK? NO not one bit I did a survey with others and we found out of the 100 differnet size shop store do you know what this symbol is? 99 did not the one who said yes it is Guide Dogs, says it all. ADUK must see this as not a attack on them personally nor must our charites see this as attack time no way I am simply saying please let us continue to we are simply going to say please let us enjoy the lifestyle we have got now we need your help to educate everyone that we are offical ones. If any charity employeee reads this there is no need to run back to your charity and say somebody is trying to stir things up and is trying to make trouble and mischive that is not the case it is only education time. I do not want this site to contain malice nasty vile remarks nor be seen as attacking page it is only a page to be educating to the offical body that we want ADUK TO get to grip with this growing problem. In America they got that many charites it is a night mare and so many do not what they are allowed to do and where to go so do you want that in thios country is no good saying it cannot happen here it has and it has arrived in one dog magazine they report of one charity set up for helping service men and women with PTSD great to think they want to help in that way but hold on can that serviceman or woman take it with them into a resturant? So I beg plea grovel join the page I plan to set up it is all for us so if you got Medical Alert Dog AID Dog Support Dogs Dogs for Disabled Canine Partners Guide Dogs Hearing Dogs This is for you join me please when I get it going if not fine your choice but think one day in your home town your go out and pop into one of your national supermarkets to be greeted with sign ALL DOGS BANNED your ask why they will tell and your smile and say mine is not one of them and look see my ID card they replied stone faced we do not care our head office has issued a degree that no dogs offical or not will enter our property. Then for while until common sense shines through and only then will you be allowed and all because they say it cannot happen. I want it made very clear it is not about me is about your all with offical working Assitance Dogs your world is mine we share it with our dogs so again my plea is join me when I set it up. I know a lot will be hoping it falls flat and no one joins in I do not mind if one joins or thousand I shall not give up I got a wrold class dog who is my whole world and I do not want my world to become black again all because of the actions of others who think you slap a jacket on a dog and all is fine. WRONG
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 20:01:28 +0000

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