Now, I know that aside from cats and rescue in general, I do not - TopicsExpress


Now, I know that aside from cats and rescue in general, I do not shed much about my other interests here. I will admit tho, to being a huge hockey fan since I was 9. Asa Hockey fan, early on I got a geo-education on our neighbors to the north. Since then, if there are two songs in my life I love the most, they would be with a clear mind, The Star spangled Banner and Oh Canada. We and our Canadian Brothers and Sisters share much being so close on this land-locked continent. We have shared tears, fought together in wars and even assisted in a few apprehensions long since in the past when one or the other was trying to apprehend a criminal in flight. When it comes to sports tho, Nothing Draws me Closer than a Hockey game. When I was younger, I was always glued to the game if it were the hawks or Montreal or one of many others if it were availed to me for viewing. (and lets face it, Hockey has a little something in it for almost everyone MOL!) Well, the other night, there was a game in Toronto vs. the visiting Nashville predators and as always, if there is more than one country involved in a game, Both Anthems are sung. The Star performing singer was Giving her wonderful rendition of the Star Spangled banner, when suddenly, her Mic cut out. Some technical thing with the connection and she went mute. Well, Proudly, I have to tell ya, it was amazing as within Seconds of the mic dying prematurely in the Song... THE FANS TOOK OVER!!!! Amazing are Canadian Hockey fans, It touched me in a very special way that not much does, My Eyes welled up as they finished the anthem and then applauded for the job well done! Ohhh Canada, I Loves Ya, Only your heart can reach me the way ya did a few nights ago... Heres The Video >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 06:42:50 +0000

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