Now I would normally rip the sheer ignorance of this Black - TopicsExpress


Now I would normally rip the sheer ignorance of this Black Democrat supremacist chick, 115 ways til Sunday, in about 2 sentences. But my meme says all I have to say in one sentence. I will let my fellow Black cockroach, Ron Christie, take it from here: This from the article linked below: A senior editor tweeted at an African-American, calling him a “White dude” that shouldn’t tell her “how to do this Black thing” because he’s conservative. Another day, another disgusting display of racism—once again at the hands of a supposed enlightened black person attacking a black conservative for his political beliefs. Apparently in the era of “Hope and Change” one cannot be authentically black unless they are a progressive Democrat blindly cheering on the agenda of “The One” without pause for reflection on how the immediate and long-term policies of President Obama could harm, rather than help the lives of the Americans he was elected to serve. The latest episode of bigotry comes at the hands of Ebony Magazine Senior Editor Jamilah Lemieux. According to their website, Ebony “is the No. 1 source for an authoritative perspective on the Black-American Community… Ebony is the heart, the soul and the pulse of Black-America. It’s more than a magazine, it’s a movement.” Apparently black conservatives do not exist in the heart, the soul and the pulse of the world of Ebony. Consider the following exchange from Twitter Thursday night between the two: Read More here: thedailybeast/articles/2014/03/28/does-ebony-magazine-condone-bigotry.html
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 12:31:29 +0000

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