Now... Im Catholic and I found this quite interesting. I fully - TopicsExpress


Now... Im Catholic and I found this quite interesting. I fully stand by my faith in many many ways and I do in fact believe in creationism. I thought some of the punts made during this were brilliant, yet i also thought some were a little extreme. I truly believe that everyone has faith in something. If its creationism, evolution, or even if you say you believe in nothing.. you still faith that youre correct in nothing. However, I dont agree with him at the end when he goes off about evolution being allowed in schools and how it shouldnt be. For a while in high school my life was Hell, absolute Hell. Back then i would have told you that everyone was out to get me and I had the worst luck. I have up on faith because no God would ever let me go through all that. Friends passing away every other year from disease, accidents, or own personal choices. I was in and out of court rooms, getting suspended, getting jumped, heartbroken, mandatory counseling, probation... I convinced myself I was atheist. Until I started to grow up and realize when I was faced with a similar issue... i knew how to handle it and i knew how to walk away. Thats when i realized everything I was taught growing up made sense and through all of those struggles I was given the opportunity to learn and that those struggles were put upon me only to make me stronger. I dont think ill ever be able to believe in evolution now. But i had to go through giving up and hearing other options, before i was able to truly believe what I do now. Kids should hear every side of every argument and have the right to believe whatever they want. Regardless of parental influence or popular belief. That was my first long ass post in a while... enjoy haha
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 20:58:16 +0000

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