Now, Im not a conspiracy theorist, but Im seeing a disturbing - TopicsExpress


Now, Im not a conspiracy theorist, but Im seeing a disturbing trend. Im not sure where to even start, so please forgive me if I ramble a bit. Now, in light of the recent police killings of two black men, we have a national uprising, despite the fact that both were criminals. Michael Brown committed three felonies before he was shot to death. He committed aggravated robbery, then, when confronted by police, he attacked Officer Wilson in his own vehicle, then after fleeing the scene, attacked officer Wilson a second time, and was shot for it. Now, we could sit and debate whether the officers actions were excessive, but since none of us were there to witness it, nobody can say if it was justified or not. Then, we take the Eric Garner case: The man was breaking the law, and its a BS law, if you ask me, but he was breaking the law nonetheless. So, when confronted with police, he chose to resist, and he paid a price. Now, dont get me wrong here, Im not necessarily trying to exhonorate the police in these matters, Im simply trying to point out the fact that if these men werent committing crimes, they wouldnt have had to die. Then we have the gangland-style killing of 2 NYC police officers, that is allegedly in retaliation. So, with that being said, Id like to point out a couple of things: Our so-called president was right there to speak when 2 criminals were killed, but didnt say a word when 2 cops were murdered in cold blood. Now, lets broaden the spectrum. Our president said that Al Quaida is on the run, but yet, terrorist attacks are going on world-wide. Were being told by the president and our lame-stream media that our economy has rebounded, when the fact is, there are still no jobs out there, and inflation is raping us. Were sending billions of dollars in so-called foreign aid, while were over $18 trillion in debt, with another $90 trillion in unsecured liabilities. Our government is raping the Constitution in more ways than I could even mention, and the sheep of this country are simply sticking their heads in the fence and taking it. I could continue, but I think this post is long enough, and I dont feel like writing a book. So, in closing, Ill just say this: If we the people dont wake up, and wake up soon, its going to be a disaster, and trust me, thats exactly what our government has planned.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 17:54:41 +0000

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