Now In Alexandria With Allahs Name and Praise to Allah that I - TopicsExpress


Now In Alexandria With Allahs Name and Praise to Allah that I am still able to say La Illaha ilAllah, Muhammadar RasulUllah. That is of course there is no god but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God. May Allah guide my printed order of words so that I may convey my present condition to those who care to read this. On the 15th of June 2014 (17th of Shaban) I moved from my first love Sibah Bay (Southern Tanta) to my new love Abees (Southern Alexandria). As I began setting up my computer in one of my two bedrooms I heard a flutter just outside my window. A mother pigeon was startled and flew away leaving two eggs in her nest. After leaving and returning to her nest several times, she finally and sadly never returned. I wonder where or what became of her. This scenario brought to mind my brother Vonn and I. Sarah used to leave and return to us in her nest, finally and sadly one cold December day she too never returned. Vonn was ten and I was three. According to Vonn the police took us to Mary Perkins nest. Mary Perkins used to repeatedly tell me that she should have left us in the Orphanage, whatever the case I spent the next 11 years in Mary Perkins nest (and being passed among her chicks nest from time to time). Wednesday of that week I travelled to Cairo to meet with two amazing young Muslims to which I am blessed to know and pray that we continue to grow in our chosen way of life Al Islam, ameen. I began contacting the Brothers who I knew here and near and met with them and was welcomed to my present place of repose. Allahu Akbar (surely and emphatically God is Greater than anyone, place or thing) I am so very grateful to be near and around other English speaking Brothers once more. Today ten days later I walked one of the young Muslims to the Moeb (bus station) who was blessed to see one of the better dentist here and get a checkup, May Allah grant a safe return to Cairo and give us all better health as we prepare to venture into yet another Blessed Month of Ramadan, ameen. So here I am, blessed to have moved safely, met two younger and near several older Muslims like myself, still able to make my five daily prayers in the many surrounding Masajid and practice the other principles one of which is fasting in the month of Ramadan (for 29 or 30 days). May Allah Bless all those (Muslims and Non-Muslims alike) with a successful fast and receive all the benefits and blessings thereof, ameen. Today is June 28 ( Shaban 30) Tomorrow (actually this evening sunset, as Islamically the days end and begin with sunset) will be the first day of Ramadan. This will be my 32nd fast of Ramadan. Ive come full circle and now will start anew. What I mean is that every 32 solar years are equivalent to 33 lunar years, whereby a specific period in the lunar year will frequent all the parts of the solar years. i.e. Ramadan (the 9th month of the lunar year) will occur during the heat of the summers, coolness of the springs and falls and coldness of the winters. My first fast of Ramadan was in July of 1982 the hottest and longest fast in the 33 year cycle. So once again I will wake about 2 a.m. after sleeping 0 to 3 hours eat a small breakfast (called sahoor) make my intention to fast perform the fajr salat (mourning prayer) and about 17 hours later ( 7 p.m.) break my fast with a date and water perform Salatul Maghrib (the Sunset or West prayer) eat an average dinner, perform Salatul Isha and Salatul Tawaree (a special prayer that is performed during the month of Ramadan consisting of 5 to 11 rakah (complete parts of a prayer) then sleep between 0 to 3 hours before beginning the next day for the entire month (29 or 30 days). I am expounding a little on this subject for information but because of technical reasons this brief Post may not be posted until after the month is over. Why am I fasting? First and foremost for Allah. Allah will not benefit from or need my fast but for the sake of keeping my contract with him as a servant, Muslim and person seeking His Pleasure and Grace. I Have to Cry I love watching tear jerking flicks because they have a way, of letting water overflow the dam we keep behind our eyes, and my tears are mixed past, present and future mishaps, mistakes, shortcomings and sins that I remit and have to cry, Today I do more good than I do wrong because I know better, and I pray that the past leaves my present be and into the future Ill fly, so more or less its about today, whats happening now you see, no more apologies for those things passed that made me have to cry, As the day ticks by I wonder what I must do next to get through, how to do what must be done in the best way or give it a good try, never forgetting I have to pray and nourish body, mind and soul, and release the hardship felt deep inside and so I have to cry. Yauma Jumuah (the first this Ramadan) and so far so good. Im experiencing the usual being a bit lonely syndrome but other than that this week has been a rewarding Blessing to which Im so very grateful for, ameen. I spoke to my two special people in Cairo and for the most part they are well, I pray that they do well and appreciate the blessings which Allah gives. Which brings to mind a story. This is the story of The Three Shakes. Once upon a time there were three Shakes, Vanilla Shake (the oldest), Strawberry Shake (the youngest) and Chocolate Shake. One day Van and Straw were discussing the Will of Allah (In Shaa Allah) and said to Choc that everything is the Will of Allah and Allah does whatever He Wills. Choc said to the two Thats not exactly true, and before he could explain what he met the two double teamed him and became both argumentive and very defensive. Choc gave them the respect that they didnt give him and let them speak, even though deep inside he knew that they were wrong. It was extremely painful that when Van gave a completely misguided and misquoted hadith about the Qadar of Allah, Straw agreed and turned to Choc (who still hadnt presented his case due to their argumentiveness and still not allowing him to speak) and said Im sorry Shake Choc but you are wrong and Shake Van is right. So They will just have to have this error and I pray that one day they find out and correct it before its too late, thought Chocolate Shake. The following is an analogy of Shake Chocolates point. He agreed that nothing is more than the Will of Allah, but said that we should not always speak about something or someone that is bad and doing bad as being the Will of Allah. Although everything that happens is in fact by Allahs Will, but not necessarily caused by Allah. I quote from a very famous Sahih (Authentic and Strong) on the authority of Umar (ra) who said While we were one day sitting with the Messenger of Allah, (saws), there appeared before us a man dressed in extremely white... ...We were astonished at his thus questioning him and telling him that he was right, but he went on to say, Inform me about iman (faith). He (the Messenger of Allah) answered, It is that you believe in Allah and His angels and His Books and His Messengers and in the Last Day, and in fate (qadar), both in its good and in its evil aspects. He said, You have spoken truly. Background Al-Imam Muslim says: Towards the end of his life, Abdullah bin Umar (the son of Umar bin al-Khattab) was told by two people that a new Islamic sect had emerged from Iraq. They were called Al-Qadariah and they denied al-qadar (fate). Thus Abdullah bin Umar narrated this hadith which mentions qadar as one of the pillars of Iman to refute the misconception of this sect. Misconceptions about Qadar Many Muslims believe that what they are going to do is caused by what has already been written in Al-Lauhulmahfudz - they confuse causation with association. In truth what we have is association, not causation. What we do is not caused by what is written by Allah, Allah with His ultimate knowledge knew what we are going to do. He could easily have put the good-doers into Jannah and the evil-doers into the Hellfire. But Allah is Adil (Just) so He created us in this life as to test us which way to go. What we are going to do will match what has already been written but its not a matter of causation - what we do is out of our own willingness and ability and we do have full responsibility on whatever choice we make. My point is this. Our fate, what happens in our lives and the things we do are already known by Allah. The good thereof is from Allah, the bad thereof is from ourselves (meaning that we play some to all part in it knowingly or unknowingly). So when something bad happens (whether we do it, it is done to us or just happens to someone and/or somewhere else, we mustnt take the stance that it happened by the Will of Allah (accusing Allah for doing it), but it happened and Allah allowed it to happen for whatever reason and in the bigger picture that we cant and dont see Allahs Plan (fate or qadar) is overall good and only Allah Knows why. Im a little saddened that the two Shaykhs did not understand that, but in life everyone doesnt always get it, no matter how old and/or how knowledgeable they may be and/or seem. Also Im watching reruns of a great show Believe which will not see a second season. In closing I would ask that we pray for all those who are yearning for the physical love that most people enjoy though marriage, that they get that love through marriage (and for Muslims through Halal Marriage) ameen.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 12:45:26 +0000

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