Now Lastly.... with all thats been going on in the World/News I - TopicsExpress


Now Lastly.... with all thats been going on in the World/News I havent been watching much TV because its been making me very very... SAD!!!!! A Friend of mine from the Mid-West hit me up and asked me what I thought about events in the news and Eric GArner....!! I hesitated....before I answered there are so many different opinions and we all have the right to ours you know...!!!! Allow 2 put my 5cents in. Ive been wayy too quiet on the matter (My reply to my friend) You know Man....... That kind of behaviour isnt New or just now happening. All this New Technology that we have is able to catch it Red Handed so people cannot lie and say thats not the way it happened..... (creating loop holes). As long as I can remember in this existence Ive always been treated differently because of the color of my skin and judged based on the color of my skin. especially by law enforcement. Its very SAd that even with the New Technology accountability is Still non existent. Now when I say these things Just so were clear.... NOT ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT ARE LIKE THIS @ ALL. But to pretend it doesnt exist in any capacity isnt telling the truth..!! Or that we deserve this kinda of treatment because of skin color isnt Just and btw Its not just Law enforcement its a lot of regular people too. I do my best to ignore it and side step it but it does EXIST and is ever present a lot of places I travel to and I travel all over the United State so I know.....!!! (Question)....Can we all do things sometimes that are inappropriate sometimes YES should the Cost be any of our LIVES....(HELL NO)... should people be held accountable no matter what color they are (HELL YES) There is so much responsibility that comes with a BADGE & A GUn... Some of the most important qualities that Law Enforcement should be armed with are. Honesty, Good Judgement Equality for All ... Humanness and Humility (to protect and serve) You cant tell me weve always gotten those qualities every time and in every situation. When you have that kind of power and a Badge & Gun you dont get to have a bad day or to deviate from that script. You shouldnt be in that profession if you cant handle it and the only thought in your mind when you come up on a certain type of individual is to pull your Gun & Shoot. Without those qualities I mentioned above to keep a self check @ all times...all of those qualities go out the window.....!!!!! and turns into kill or be killed without the steps in keep it from that place.. There should also be periodic evaluations on those qualities quarterly to make sure everyones head where it needs to be. So we dont have all the situations we have now going on. Remember these are the ones that are reported... There are Hundreds maybe even thousands that have not made it to the Media in the capacity that the others have. I know what Ive seen growing up...!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 03:58:37 +0000

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