Now Reuters is reporting that Deutsche Bank warns of lower - TopicsExpress


Now Reuters is reporting that Deutsche Bank warns of lower investment bank revenue, further analyzed yesterday by Tyler Durden of the very popular Zero Hedge web site. So, what does this all mean to you and me – the average person sitting at home with one or two jobs and a first (and perhaps second mortgage), maybe a bit of savings in the bank, and hardly enough time to think? It means that we are seeing the cracks in the foundation walls of our so-called economy getting larger, and the Ponzi scheme of Fiat currency designed to rob all of us of our wealth coming to a head. The international bankers, the proponents of a one world global economy, a one world central bank, are about ready to make their move. But when? Although some say that it could be 18-24 months out yet, indications are that it will be much sooner as more people awaken to the plundering of our wealth by these financial psychopaths who have so many spell bound. Like your 401K? Your retirement account? How long do you think those will last as we continue toward an economic apocalypse? Be certain to count your digital dollars now, for they will vanish in a New York blackout minute. The operators of this Ponzi scheme can only keep their game in play for so long, before they are exposed for who and what they are, or they intentionally crash the system, or both. Like the phoenix rising from the ashes, it is likely that we, the unwashed masses, will be told that the next economic crash, or “the big one,” was truly unavoidable, and that no one could have ever seen it coming...........
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 01:40:11 +0000

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