Now Theyre After Our Kids George A. Yesthal Alright...Christ, - TopicsExpress


Now Theyre After Our Kids George A. Yesthal Alright...Christ, I cant believe people are discussing this Common Core horseshit like it was a remotely viable education system. It has NOTHING to do with critical thinking or thinking out of the box. It has nothing to do with advancing the mental health of our children. It is a crucial facet of Agenda 21and is designed to hijack a whole generation of children to become good globalist citizens. We will never be able to keep up as a generation of parents and grandparents unless we put in as much or MORE time than our kids, learning the concepts of Common Core. We will NEVER accomplish that as a whole people and Big Brother knows it. Kidnap our kids and their minds and more importantly, their loyalties, and they have CONTROL of a whole generation. If you dont know what Agenda 21 is, I seriously suggest you familiarize yourselves with it. It pisses me off and worries me to no small degree to see people discussing it as if it had some redeeming value. Its a monster and should be treated as such. Basic mathematics has served mankind for eons, and the principles are rock-solid and not open to interpretation. Vast cities have been built on those principles. Weve gone into outer space using the methods of Pythagorus , Eratosthenes and Archimedes and no one has sought to change a single principle because they are perfect. Why now would our government be seeking to obfuscate the whole dynamic? It is sheer insanity if you look at it sanely. I am going to include a link on Agenda 21. Everyone should know about this. Please Please PLEASE pay attention to this and by all means SHARE this. https://youtube/watch?v=LNeimlu9jxk
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 01:45:47 +0000

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