Now about prayer. Im not the best at praying on a consistent - TopicsExpress


Now about prayer. Im not the best at praying on a consistent basis. Sometimes I even forget. Allot of times its a thought that occurs and later I realise it was a prayer, and God was talking to me. Im oblivious most of the time and this is where the prayers of others has blessed me. Today, I know that when I pray that, this is my conversation with God. God already knows my heart, my needs and wants. But, I also am learning that its an act of humility and praise when I speak it out. Trusting in Him that He will hold my hand through all things. Another type of prayer that essential is praying for others. Either on their behalf, because they dont know God. Or, praying for them because they are hurting us in some way. When praying for someone who is causing us harm it releases us from retaliation towards them. (Resentments) Which in turn hurts us more. Since prayer has been hard for me I have found that my writing and journaling has been an eye opening experience. For me when I write it out God knows Im trying to get it out of my head. I know that He is reading along as I write. Its as they say, Letting go and letting God. God, today, I ask that your will be done in my life. Relieve me of the bondage of self. I pray for those that are hurting, and those that might come against me. Humble me and give me the courage to ask for your help. Help me to let go of the need to control everything. To trust that you got this. I thank you today for prayer, the solution for my loneliness and desperation. Thank you for my personal relationship with you. I love you. Amen
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 12:50:54 +0000

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