Now...about this other tiki mug I got for Christmas. Well over ten - TopicsExpress


Now...about this other tiki mug I got for Christmas. Well over ten years ago, if memory serves me correct, I had set my sights on what then was the naughtiest little tiki mug I had ever seen. It was on eBay! That meant one thing...Danlovestikis! Would I stand a chance of getting this coveted mug for my collection, or would I be, for the umpteeth time, outbid yet again by these stateside scoundrels!?!?! Saturday afternoon came...last seconds bid thrown into the ring, and DOH!!! Noooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! I Had been prizes for guessing by who! Fast forward to about two/three years ago and Wendy asked me if I would do a red Bouhua mug for a Christmas present for Dan (had to chuckle just unconsciously typed Damn), maybe we could do a trade? I asked her if Dan remembered the naughty tiki mug he had won all those years ago and, if he did, would he be prepared to trade? The answer, much to my excitement, was YES! Somehow the trade never happened...until just recently! Here are a few photos of the naughty tiki mug that SHOULD have been mine, and NOW, after all these years...IS!!! Hope you liked the happy ending? Wendy, did Dan like his red Bouhua? Im sure your guys are raising yours to me, so...Heres ME, raising MINE to to speak...
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 00:04:53 +0000

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