Now, as for how Im surviving the holy days this year - TopicsExpress


Now, as for how Im surviving the holy days this year around,? Quite surprised Ive been more present and accounted for despite being even busier this year; at work and w/ increased sales especially for the economic crunch in the States here and us avoiding a double-dip as some analysts had been fearing could result... not this year ! No stranger to depression as some would know it, but Ive felt better about things this year and again more surprisingly collected about plans Ive tried to formulate about not just moving but being able to think of working elsewhere as well as that surely comes with moving on occasions,? In regards to trying to get back to journaling here on fb and the Weekend Confessional Id attempted for a few weeks I believe back in September @ some point... I truly think a New Years start might work out, but then Im known for jumping the gun when it comes to having to wait for too long,? Gonna have to play that by ear, but well see :P As for music sites, of course - Im continuing to find that soundcloud remains THE site for me, really ! Not just that I can hear nearly any mix or track, but that theres no regional coding or prohibit list to 3rd parties because of copyright control that was getting thrown around like on mixcloud :( Or... has it flipped that way against regular uploaders on soundcloud,? For me, I had no difficulty putting mixes or podcasts or programs to mixcloud, but to regionally allow or disallow certain listeners because of where* they happened to be listening from while nearly the rest of the world could hear the mixes as uploaded... sounds a bit jaded against certain listeners based on region or because I maybe need to upgrade aka pay more $$$ for unlimited listening access,? If mixclouds cleaned their act DO let me know, but as for sites I can and will continue to rely on for being to hear nearly anything from the countless Tabs Ive Bookmarked well, lets just say soundclouds got me covered :) Best blessings and happiest health to ALL readers of the page; as its become more about the content and less about just posting any old thing to take up space - merriest holidays to YOU and hopes that any New Year soon or in the next months has you spending time with the ones you trust the most, Cheers & Respect to ya ! ! !
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 20:42:27 +0000

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