to the inbreds we had to sit in the court room with today, - TopicsExpress

   to the inbreds we had to sit in the court room with today, heres some advice to you hillbilly sick twisted freaks of nature. DO as the Judge ordered you today, and have everything done and completed in the next 14 days. And that includes returning every single thing you stole from David Brashear Sr.s home. Because trust me, as you saw today, I have a very bad temper, and I highly advice you to do as the Judge instructed you to. Got that Marianne Fox and Toby Brashear??? Ignore this Judge and he wont take it lightly. Trust me, I found that out first hand today while I was in time out for snapping on you inbred freaks. Oh and Danny I noticed you didnt bring your check book to pay off the loan you took out on our parents home that ME AND MY HUSBAND HAVE TO PAY OFF, SO if you have a change of heart, or your conscience begins to bother you, just let our Attorneys know, well happy to let you pay that $200,000 mortgage off you stole from your parents. Now get back to your banjo, and do what the Judge ordered done today. Good Lord, I felt like I was in the movie Deliverance sitting in the same room with you inbreds! The only thing missing was one eyed Kevin and Dana Brashear the child molester! LOL!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 01:58:17 +0000

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