Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,the evidence of - TopicsExpress


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,the evidence of things not seen.(Heb.11:1).Faith is the mirror of the heart that reflects the realities of an unseen world-the actual substance of His Kingdom.Through the prayer of faith we are able to pull the reality of His world into this one.That is the function of faith.Faith has its anchor in the unseen realm.It lives from the invisible toward the visible.Faith actualizes what it realizes.The Scriptures contrast the life of faith with the limitations of natural sight.(2Cor.5:7).Faith provides eyes for the heart.Jesus expects people to see from the heart.He once called a group of religious leaders hypocrites because they could discern the weather but couldnt discern the times.Its obvious why Jesus would prefer people to recognize the times(spiritual climate and seasons)over natural weather conditions,but its not quite so apparent why He would consider them hypocrites if they didnt.Many of us have thought that the ability to see into the spiritual realm is more the result of a special gift than an unused potential of everyone.I remind you that Jesus addresses this charge to the Pharisees and Sadducees.The very fact that they,of all people,were required to see is evidence that everyone has been given this ability.They became blind to His dominion because of their own corrupted hearts and were judged for their unfulfilled potential.We are born again by grace through faith.(Eph.2:8).The born again experience enables us to see from the heart.(John 3:3).A heart that doesnt see is a hard heart.(Mark 8:17-18).Faith was never intended only to get us into the family.Rather,it is the nature of life in this family.Faith sees.It brings His Kingdom into focus.All of the Fathers resources,all of His benefits,are accessible through faith.To encourage us in our capacity to see,Jesus gave specific instruction,Seek first the kingdom of God....(Mat.6:33).Paul taught us,Set your mind on things above,not on things on the earth.(Col.3:2).He also stated,For the things which are seen are temporary,but the things which are not seen are eternal.(2Cor.4:18).The Bible instructs us to turn our attention toward the invisible.This theme is repeated enough in Scripture to make those of us bound by the logic of this Western culture quite nervous.Herein lies the secret to the supernatural realm that we want restored to the Church.Jesus told us that He only did what He saw His Father do.Such an insight is vital for those who want more.The power of His actions,for instance,the mud in the eye of the blind,is rooted in His ability to see.BY BILL JOHNSON.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 15:40:38 +0000

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