Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of - TopicsExpress


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:1, 6 NKJV) My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. (James 1:2-4 NKJV) ~ Faith is standing and believing in something that you have not seen (as yet) without putting a time limit to that. It is standing and believing even if the situation you are facing suggests other wise. It is holding on to Gods promises without worrying when those promises will be fulfilled. Faith is how we get to be closer to God. Our relationship with God is based on faith. ~ If we dont have faith we cannot please God. God is unseen (with our physical eye) but His work is seen. We have not seen God with our eyes as we see each other but we believe in Him. We have seen His marvelous work that He has done in His creation (the evidence if His work) but we did not see Him actually do it. We believe that He did it because creation if far greater than science or man. Only He can pull something this magnificent off. The minute you start to see and believe that, you are exercising faith. So for us to believe in His existence, it requires faith. ~ Only faith causes one to pray to an unseen God, believing Him for unseen things. ~ The fact that we are so impatient has a lot to do with whether we actually have faith or not. So maybe we really to do that self introspection and ask do I have faith? ~ With faith comes forth patience. It is even written in the bible because some of these promises will only come after a certain time and that is why patience is produced, to enable us to wait upon The Lord until He brings it to pass. If you dont have patience, sometimes it will seem that God is taking too long. Patience is very key in a life of a believer because it helps you not to focus and what you are waiting (prayed) for but to focus on other immediate things that God has placed in front of you. This is why we are reminded not to be anxious (Philippians 4:6) ~ Another part of this truth is that not everything you hope for, you pray for or you desire will be given to you. Well only because that particular thing is not meant for you. So you could be waiting for something that might never come. Isnt it then easier to learn to be patient about it rather than to frustrate yourself crying about something that could possibly not come your way? We need to stop trying to give God instructions regarding His creation. Im quite sure He knew what He was doing when He created us and so I dont see why all of a sudden we seem to think that He needs our help in making our lives better. ~So (my opinion) if you dont have patience then you dont have faith. If you dont have faith then you dont have a relationship with God. God = Faith and Faith = Patience. For us to learn to be patient, our faith will be tested. The same unseen thing(s) you are believing God for will be put to the test. We seem to have an idea of when we want God to move in our lives or when He should release His blessings upon us. We need to focus on God and not His promises nor His blessings. We seem to have focused more on what we want more than on God. That is not how it works. We focus on Him and He then causes things to move behind the scene. Our focus should be on Him as the head, we being the body and all these other things being the tail which follow the body. We seek Him first and then He causes these things to be added unto to us (Matthew 6:33) ~ He is an unmoved Mover, uncreated Creator, Sovereign and is not a respecter of man. His purpose shall always prevail whether we like it or not. In everything thing that He does, He has our best interests at heart, no matter how painful or how unfair we may think He is. His goodness can never be mistaken for hatred. We just need to believe that He allows certain situations to come our way for our own good. Remember, He sees what we dont see, He knows what we dont know. All we need to do, is believe. We just need to learn and exercise faith....
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 11:13:51 +0000

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