Now for a much more serious critique of whats wrong in the Valley - TopicsExpress


Now for a much more serious critique of whats wrong in the Valley of Silicon: my friend Astra Taylors fantastic new book, duly being praised all over the place. Guardian: A virtual space that once had no crime and no surveillance has become one with an abundance of each; and the real world has been destabilised by the astonishing power and properties of networks. Yet public understanding of the implications of this convergence lags some way behind the emerging reality, which is why we need books like this. Astra Taylor is a talented documentary-maker who was dismayed by the way her work was appropriated and pirated online. But instead of fuming silently in her studio, she set out to seek an understanding of the paradoxical world that the merging of cyberspace and meatspace has produced. What she finds is a world which is, on the one hand, hooked on an evangelical narrative about the liberating, empowering, enlightening, democratising power of information technology while, on the other, being increasingly dominated and controlled by the corporations that have effectively captured the technology. theguardian/books/2014/apr/19/peoples-platform-review-astra-taylor-internet
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 22:12:18 +0000

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