Now for something wildly off topic but that may appeal to those of - TopicsExpress


Now for something wildly off topic but that may appeal to those of you who also manage Facebook pages. A while ago a viral video, produced by Veritasium, attempted to underscore the issues surrounding Facebook advertising, clickfarms and revenue fraud. The video has come under a lot of scrutiny, including from Facebook itself regarding these claims, and of course it requires some critical thinking and the findings may not be true for every page manager. Most unfortunately, LATG has experienced an almost identical chain of events to those claimed in the video I will be linking shortly. In 2012, when this page was first started, I invested around $60 in Facebook ads - mostly just to see what would happen. I was new to Facebook advertising and page management. I used the legitimate method (Using Facebook itself to buy likes), a decision I would of course come to regret years later. To put things into perspective, this page - about to hit 20,000 likes - has an absurdly disproportionate engagement rate, a factor I attribute almost entirely to the couple thousand paid likes I managed to attain back in 2012. Just like the video claims, I targeted audiences in mostly Western countries or - because I had no idea that developing countries were full of clickfarms, yes, my mistake - other countries with larger and growing populations of Internet users such as India, Pakistan, Egypt and Indonesia. To this day LATGs highest Facebook following, by country, comes from Pakistan, a country known for its clickfarms and from which I have virtually no engagement. (My apologies if you are from Pakistan and you DO engage, there are some of you, and Im not talking about you guys, you rock!) But this remains a big problem. Almost every time I post a new article, from my blog or from almost anywhere else, it performs horribly. The average post on this page is seen by around 300 people. Yes - earlier in 2014 Facebook announced that they would be giving priority to paid ads, which I suppose is their right, no matter how crappy for pages such as this that arent businesses and do not operate on a budget. If I want to invest in ads it comes out of my personal funds, LATGs advertising profits from the blog amounted to less than $200 for the entirety of 2014 - and thats not bad by newbie blogger standards, so Im not complaining. I say this because were about to hit 20,000 fans, an uplifting milestone and undoubtedly if youre actually seeing this in your news feed or you visit this page manually youre not the problem. In general, engagement on this page is high enough that I still find it worthwhile. I still love spending my time creating and finding new material, learning with you and hopefully inspiring you in some small way. I would be happy to manage LATG for free, despite it sometimes being almost a full time job, because this is my passion and while I still have a lot to learn, I think Im pretty good at it most of the time. So watch this video, especially if youre another page administrator, and come to your own conclusions regarding the mystery that seems to surround Facebook and its recent push towards consumerism. Then please let me know what you think. And please feel free to get in touch any time here on Facebook via private message, by email at languages.globe@gmail or even at my personal profile, which you can find a link to in the About section of this page. I would love to network with other language pages and groups to promote one anothers content and do what we can to combat the paid system we clearly cant afford to engage in. To those of you who *do* engage, and *do* come back regularly, for those of you who subscribe to my blog, who comment, share, like, and contribute to this community, you are what validates the countless hours I put into this page, blog, and community. I cant thank you enough and I hope you dont stop. Anyway thanks for reading this far, check out the video, and tell me what you think! ~Brian
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 19:11:29 +0000

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