Now for the latest fishing report and hold onto your shorts for - TopicsExpress


Now for the latest fishing report and hold onto your shorts for this one. POSITION 1942.63S 17503.02W I am presently anchored at a volcano called Tofua on the far west side of Tongas Haapai group after a sleepless night fighting a BIG Blue Marlin all night......... It all started happening right after I hung up the Sat phone after speaking to Altan my partner and Designer of Skabenga Lures who I am on my way to fetch from Tongatapu in the southern group of Tongas islands.Most importantly I must add that I am SOLO on this 152nm trip !So immediately after hanging up the phone Whizzzzz,fish on,a big bull Dorado who was doing some serious acrobatics and finally shook the hook.Damn I thought because I wanted some fresh fish for my guests!Lines went back out and about 15 minutes later one of my small 30s (rigged with 65 lb mono with plenty braided backing)tipped with the deadly,evil Skabenga Lures MINION goes off.Its a blue Marlin taking off at a 90 tangent to the boat with multiple jumps.The Minion is our second smallest lure and is not intended for Blue Marlin nor is the 30 set-up.All I could do was stand there and watch the fish while the reel screamed thinking that Im gonna lose all my gear.(YOU MUST REMEMBER,IM SOLO WITH FULL MAIN AND GENOA UP GOING 7 TO 8 KNOTS)Finally I locked the drag when I could see the base of the spool(the reel was hot to the touch) and came to my senses.I turned Skabenga into the wind,furled the Genoa and dropped the main faster than Id done it with crew but far from neat with the main in a pile on the cabin top and Lines,sheets and Halyards like spaghetti on the deck !!When I returned to the fighting station the Marlin was miraculously still on !! he must have swam for the boat.I quickly reeled in the other lines which werent tangled(another miracle)and settled in to fight this fish all the way to the transom where he shook the hook.How perfect I thought and put the lines out again except this time I put out the big guns with Marlin Lures including BIG RED which carries 1 kilometer of 350 lb mono ! The 2nd Marlin hit about 45 min. later with a series of jumps before he shook the hook,then nothing for the next hour so I decided to take a little nap in the Salon.I was woken by a momentary screech from Big Red and went out to investigate.Moments later while looking at the spread the water exploded like it does when a whale breeches and Big Red went off!!!!This happened at 5.30 pm.At sun up I was still fighting the fish.I automatically thought it was a big Marlin but during the long night of fighting the fish between the helm and the fighting station I started wondering what I had because every time I gained some line it would take it back.I deducted that it was a huge Thresher or Mako shark.In the wee hours of the morning I became delirious and started hallucinating,my lower back was killing me and my right shoulder hurt but my determination to get this fish to the boat kept me going.I needed to see the culprit and didnt want to loose him.14 hours later at 7.30 am I raised a dead Blue Marlin 8 ft long in the 350lb range.He was foul hooked in the mid section and it all made sense.Number 1. A foul hooked fish feels much larger.Number 2. He must have died shortly after the first hour due to drowning after being foul hooked and number 4.I spent 13 of the 14 hours raising a 350lb dead weight from the depths.Three Blue Marlin in one day is the current record on Skabenga and it happened when I was Solo,I will always remember this day and the all night fight.Although there was one casualty it took me 2 hours to slice dice and package the fish and I managed to make enough space in the fridges and freezer to keep it all.Most will go to the local people to feed their families.For the record,it is rare that a Marlin gets foul hooked but when it does one of two things happen,he either gets away by breaking the line or he drowns from being pulled backwards through the water. Needless to say no lines in the water until I pick up my crew(the thought of another Marlin Solo scares me) Altan,I hope your ready for some action my friend!!!!! I made waypoints of where the Marlin are for our trip back to Vavau and YES I got some footage of the all night fight and pictures !!! Right now Im enjoying my solo time mostly naked.............not a boat or soul in sight for the past 2 days.I love this shit !!!!! Altan,I will be anchored at Pangaimotu island aprox. coordinates of 1942.694S by 17504.037W.This is 1 mile NE of Faua harbour on the north side of Tongatapu in case I dont make it to the airport on time.I should still make it but Im one day behind due to the all night fight.I will leave this anchorage tonight and make Pangaimotu tomorrow in daylight weather and conditions permitting.Hopefully I can trip the anchor from the rocky bottom Im on otherwise Ill have to dive on it tomorrow morning which will put me another day behind.If I dont make the airport contact me on VHF channel 69 from Faua Harbour.I will monitor both 16 and 69. Captain out From Altan: Way to go cappy!! After speaking with you I decided to add a few more lures to the bags. I think we might need them! Glad you got the pings I feel better now. I will try not to get drunk before I get there. See you shortly. Hey every one! We are thinking of you all. as for JT My great old friend, I think these lures should work for your up coming trip. I look forward to outfitting your boat.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 03:51:15 +0000

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