Now for the rest of the story! I woke up this (Sunday) morning - TopicsExpress


Now for the rest of the story! I woke up this (Sunday) morning with a message from Spirit within my mind. Later on, on rare occasion when I went out to a public place, someone who said that she was an Evangelist confirmed the message. Not these messages only but the message that my son, my Apostolic Covering, has been saying to me for some years now. Let me release Counsel before I give the message. “Surly the Lord God will do nothing unless He first reveal His Secret Counsel to the Prophets”. (Paraphrased or ‘tailored’ as YAH says not misquoted as some might want to think as error.) Now for the message of why the people of YAH G-D are not manifesting the blessings of Word and Revelation in their lives…You have come to the Prophet empty handed! You have received from the Prophet and have not given! The Blessings of YAH G-D are yes and “So shall it be said so shall it be done” (or amen as some say)! However, we must know how to receive! We must know how to release spirit to bring the blessings to manifestation and fruition! There are prerequisites, if you will, to Spirit and the ‘angels on assignment’ to releasing spoken Word of blessings into one’s life. The Scripture Chronicle(s) these fundamentals. “Put your trust in the Lord your G-D and you will be established. Put your trust in His Prophets and succeed.” As an Apostle (and while I was training from a Deacon on), I have held the position that the Prophet should not have to ask the people for support or to give into ministry and that the Spirit would direct such a one to sow joyfully without provocation. Therefore, I have never asked. The situation in the church today of the ‘pimping’ of the people has put a bad taste in everyone’s mouth as it should! At the same time the false Sheppard’s are misusing the people, the false and baby prophets not only release half truth and perhaps Scripture without anointing. Therefore, the Word is not being activated to accomplish its purpose. How many times has Truth and Word been released in your life and you are still waiting for it to come to fruition and manifest in the here and now? Well, if we do not grasp this simple standard we will continue to be fruitless and the Kingdom will not materialize or manifest in this earthly realm for us. This is why so many look for a future heaven when the Kingdom was presented to us over 2,000 years ago! It is sad that many refuse to accept it and that leaders do not know how to guide the people into the Kingdom. The Prophets of YAH has been ordained and called to activate Life and that more abundantly! YAH is a G-D of Life and the living not of the dead! If, you have done something the same way year after year after year and it has not worked, would it stand to reason that something is amiss? Scripture says that you have not because you ask not then you ask amiss. Those working within the Five-Fold Ministry must teach true giving, stop pimping the people and teach the true concepts behind Reaping and Sowing, Like for Like, (Divine Law)etc. However, you must learn and in most instances experience a thing before you can teach it! The Prophets and Apostles must forget about how the wicked leaders have misused the people, in the sense that we do them harm as well and the blessings of YAH cannot and will not be activated in their lives if we continue not to ask or do not fill in the gap and teach them how to give. YAH G-D has said to me (Others can do whatever you will with it as with everything I am given, I merely give and the rest is between you and YAH what you do with it), The Prophets must humble ourselves and ask. In our asking, it triggers an urging within one’s spirit to give. The Spirit of Giving is initiated which evoke Spirit (Law) into action and approval to manifest blessings into manifestation because of not only Word but our obedience. Mere obedience to Spirit activates and brings forth the manifestation of Word and Revelation into our lives. The bottom line is that if you want to see Word and Revelation come to fruition in your life; if you want to see the Blessings and Promises of YAH come into manifestation in the physical realm, give in the name of a prophet and receive a Prophets reward! revelationtodayforthenations.yolasite/
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 20:23:57 +0000

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