Now here is a TRULY funny bit of synchronicity. Ive seen a very - TopicsExpress


Now here is a TRULY funny bit of synchronicity. Ive seen a very similar bit of writing, but it was from a Catholic bishop. He was warning of the dangers of EASTERN PHILOSOPHIES to the CATHOLIC CHURCH and ordering his priests to spare no efforts in discouraging their flocks from dabbling in such dangerous heresies ....... and whhhhyyyyyy is a PHILOSOPHY such a danger to a RELIGION, you might ask? Remember the Leaders rant from the movie V is for Vendetta? The rest of the bishops letter ran along the same lines, basically a rant about never surrendering the slightest bit of control, and never letting the masses think they can talk to, or go to, God, without going through the Church. ..... and never, never, letting them think that anything is too small to remain untouched by the Church. There was more, but that was the gist of it. The priest who showed it to me was outraged when he read it. He showed it to me so that ye can understand the black heart of the enemy, boyo .... He was fiercely loyal to his God, and probably knew more than his bishop would have been comfortable with .... all he wanted was honesty between his people and God. His ..... was something of a back water parish. I hope he finally got his honesty ....
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 08:06:52 +0000

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