Now here is a follow up on a story posted earlier! Please take the - TopicsExpress


Now here is a follow up on a story posted earlier! Please take the time to read this amazing story and share with everyone. Our Prayers and support go out to this young man in his quest to find his birth mother! Original Post, Speaking Up & Out Magazine Online shared a timeline. Posted by Robert D. Jernigan · about an hour ago 40 Year old Man Using Facebook In An Attempt To Locate His Birth Mother! Searching for my birth mom....By Steve Edsel His Name Is Steve Edsel Or (Baby Freeman) was born on December 27, 1973, at Baptist Hospital in Winston Salem, NC. Nothing spectacular about that except my mother was a teenage girl brought to the hospital by her parents, where I was born at 5:30 a.m. My mother left the hospital 15 hours later and was never seen or heard from since. Her parents registered her into the hospital under the name of Freeman. That was my name in the hospital, Baby Freeman. This is a quote from the Winston Salem Journal & Sentinel on December 30, 1973 But he has no identity, no known relatives, and, at the present, no future. It is believed that my mom and her parents left the hospital in a 1969 GM vehicle. The newspaper said the police were investigating several leads of people who said they knew the girl but nothing I assume was ever known. I became a ward of the state and was taken to a foster home on January 3, 1974. That foster family would one day be my adopted family; my momma, daddy, and brother. It became known at an early age that I had a heart murmur. I remember going to see the Dr and having test run on me. It was found later that I also had a faulty valve and when I was 13 had my first open heart surgery to try and repair it. I say first because there was a second one coming when I was 18. The first surgery didnt work and the valve scarred over so I went in for a valve replacement the summer after graduation. An artificial valve was put in place along with a bypass they found while in surgery. Now Im 40 and everything still seems to be in good shape. Now back to my birth mom. I have a composite drawing of her from a photocopy that was in the newspaper, and like me, she has glasses! Maybe she likes to read as much as I always have. She has red hair about 14 years of age! Did I forget to mention she was 14 at the time? I was Baby Freeman because that was the name they have on entering the hospital. It was a fictitious name and address but its my name too. I have a social security card with it on there, Steven Freeman. I also have a copy of her finger prints and her name was Deborah Freeman! Yes I know its fake but its still all I have of her. Growing up, I had a loving family that included me in on everything! They never made me feel anything other than a son, brother, cousin, nephew or grandchild. one but a child whos been adopted can understand this....All the people I look at and who are my family, are not my blood kin. There is always that missing link, that missing connection that no one else can understand. I have wanted too know who my mother was since I myself turned 14 and thought, she was so young. How could I find fault with her in abandoning me? I have tried numerous times to find her and with Facebook today I thought, if I ever have a chance, this is it! My last hope and chance of ever finding her. My question to her would not be why did you leave me, but did you ever look for me? Ive tried several times over the past 11 years. Ive missed you even though I dont know you. Do I have brothers and sisters? I have no hate or animosity towards her or her parents/my grandparents. If this story ever makes its way to her I hope she will contact me I would love to embrace my mother just once in my lifetime and say, I love you, just because.... Stephen Ray Edsel Baby Freeman
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 17:46:13 +0000

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