Now, if you are surprised at our tribes decision to harvest more - TopicsExpress


Now, if you are surprised at our tribes decision to harvest more fish, that is nothing but a political move in response to your mining bills and wolf hunts. We are angered over the wolf hunt, but im not going to go and harass a wolf hunter and call him a honkey and throw rocks at him. Biskakone Greg Johnson Biskakone Greg Johnson I worked in the newspaper business for many years. The fact that some people will believe anything that is printed in newspapers still amazes me. In most instances, Newspaper editors use catchy lines and stories to lure readers emotions by sparking small amounts of facts and guesses. Drawing interest in something the reader probably would or should have never cared or known about before.... Making the reader somewhat more or less confused about the printed topic. Just because it is printed doesnt necessarily mean it is factual evidence. I said this last year, and ill say it again... I am an Ojibwe Spear fisher/fisherman/netter/deer hunter/plant harvester/father/husband/son/Ojibwe//human with human rights, I attend very strict old ceremonies most of you may never ever heard of. I have 2 smart beautiful children that eat Musky, Walleye, Perch and various fish we catch, spear & net harvest. If you ever meet my children, they are beautifully wise children that have a passion for life and learning their culture and are learning to speak their ancestrial language. Some of you may not like what I am going to say, You can complain and whine all you want, if you have a problem with they way me and my family get our organic food. I want you to approach me and tell me to my my face how you feel. Ill be glad to tell you that I am providing for my family a little different that you do. I might even show you how! I have the opportunity and RIGHT to give my family the best food this world has to offer. I have had rocks thrown at me on Rainbow Flowage, Thompson Lake, White Sand Lake and Allequash. I had someone loosen up the lug nuts on my boat trailer 1 mile from my house while i was parked at a boat landing. No one was prosecuted, i never pressed the issue. I almost lost the boat I bought with money that I earned while working at the Lakeland Times. I was in Trigs parking lot when i was a Kid in the 1980s and I clearly remember a man in a red pickup drove up to me and my 53 Elderly Grandmother and spit on us and drove away. I talked to one of my best friends yesterday about all of the craziness aimed at us and he recalled someone actually shooting at him with a shotgun one time while he was spearing. Now, if you are surprised at our tribes decision to harvest more fish, that is nothing but a political move in response to your mining bills and wolf hunts. We are angered over the wolf hunt, but im not going to go and harass a wolf hunter and call him a honkey and throw rocks at him. Wolves are very sacred animals in our 10,000 year history, but I wouldnt expect you to know that given that your public schools generalize natives and teach mostly southwest culture. Mining is another issue! I understand that in todays world that mining is needed. But I can promise you that if mining interferes with my harvesting of fish and wild rice that I feed my children there will be trouble. I could go to your job and steal your money and that would anger you right? I am not afraid of anybody because I am a good person, I live by our traditional laws and codes here in LdF. If you have a problem with that let me know, and I will school you. And one more thing, the next time you look upon someone from Lac du Flambeau KNOW this… That person you are looking at walks 3 roads when most of you walk just 1. the first road is the White Road, the second is the Red Road. The third is the Government Road. Now these 3 roads can JUDGE a person harshly. we have to try to make you all happy, we have our way in LdF and try to make our way in our little piece of land that was set aside to fail, and then we have to make the government happy, our tribe is under a government microscope 24/7. So there you have it! The most important things in life are not printed in black and white. You cannot let a newspaper/blog decide your future and teach you your knowledge. That job is for your community and elders. My life falls into an amazing natural rhythm with the world when my mind is not clouded by bad opinions and one sided news sources. My advice is, If you have rights use them. Do not worry about how the media portrays you. In 100 years we will be the ones remembered for saving our ways and living our culture by letting our children experience the taste of TRUE freedom when they eat what we harvest. Not eating what was advertised in last weeks newspaper. You cannot buy smoky maple sugar cakes from their stores. You can however learn how to harvest it and make it along side your loved ones.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 19:07:33 +0000

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