Now, in New York, the mayor, predictably -- I mean, this guy is an - TopicsExpress


Now, in New York, the mayor, predictably -- I mean, this guy is an admitted socialist. I dont think anybody should be surprised when this guy throws his own police force under the bus. And the way he threw his own police force under the bus, do you realize that New York City policemen are the body guards for his kids? They ensure that his kids get wherever they have to go, school or wherever it is, safely, and then back home safely. And he threw em under the bus yesterday. He admitted that hes had to take his son aside and warn him about the cops. This the mayor. This is the mayor, who is protected daily by the cops, admitting that hes taking his kid aside, and saying, Look. Hes not saying when a cop stops you, say, yes, sir, yes, sir. Thats not what hes warning. Hes warning them that the cops want to hurt you because youre black, the cops. And the police, benevolent police association, they are just outraged. Theyve been thrown under the bus. This is unprecedented. I mean, there have been mayors that have had problems with an incident here or there, but youve never had a mayor throw the entire police force and its motivation under the bus like de Blasio did. - RUSH LIMBAUGH.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 21:37:23 +0000

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