Now is the Time! (Day 48 of 50 days of Prayer, Fasting ,and - TopicsExpress


Now is the Time! (Day 48 of 50 days of Prayer, Fasting ,and Action) The Kingdom of God is a right now this moment Kingdom, with right Now servants, and right now results. Unfortunately we often miss the right now portion of His glory. We fail to ride the wave of glory that moves through the Kingdom to raise us into new levels of goodness. We truly desire to please our God with “right Now” obedience, but we just don’t get around to it. We miss the rooster’s crow, the cracking of the dawn, and glory of the Lord’s splendor because we miss the Now. The Lord has blessed us all with a 24 hour time period and 7 days week. In this time frame He desires that we do a few things; Worship Him, tend the earth, and have dominion. Our days must consist of seeking His Kingdom first (worship Him). The day must be wisely disposed of by making productive every millisecond. This productiveness or “tending” includes our careers, our families, and our ministries. We should do all of these things without leaving the other undone. Your domain is where you rule with rightful authority that is the place where you will achieve productive results. As the Lord has blessed us with enough time to get all of the above done, the devil (sarcasm) has inspired the snooze button. I say this humorously yet with much seriousness. We have become a wait till later culture. We have become accustomed to putting things off, but the Lord is looking for a right now people. The Word encourages us “not lag in diligence, fervent in spirit, or in serving the Lord” (Romans 12:11). Our challenge is not to fantasize of a 48hour day, as we all have been guilty of hoping for, but to do the best with the time we have now. If the Lord were to reconfigure creation to meet our perceived need of more time, we would still fall short. The issue is not about time it is about authority and discipline! The Lord has given us a spirit of power and self-control! (2 Timothy 1:7). Disciplined people have disciplined thoughts and those thoughts produce disciplined actions (anon). You want to destroy the “do it later” mentality? I would encourage you to walk in your authority, walk with intensity! When we are determined to be disciplined and take authority over our life and schedule, we will see the glory of God in our lives. The results that we long for, the dreams that we have been pursuing will come into reality. Now is the Time! As you flip through your mental rolodex, look at the “will do’s” and the “someday” hopes that were never brought into reality. Remember those statements like, “I’ll take the risk next year”, you said that three years ago! Your desire of furthering your education, seeking that new job, or starting that new business venture can quickly fall victim to the timidity of the flesh and the slumber of your actions! But you are a child of the King! You have been called to greater heights the day you were called Christian! Today is the day that you will not wait another moment to walk in your perfect purpose! Don’t wait till tomorrow you’ll end up wasting too many todays! If The Lord has inspired you with a vision, write it down. If He has placed a dream in you, then chase after it! Your victory is in your first step – Now! Today you are at the point where you must take a leap of faith, don’t say, “I’ll jump later” – do it today! By: Pastor Luis Vergara (Snooze Button Devotional Revised)
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 14:31:44 +0000

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