Now is the cold hour of our discontent, made hot by the fuel fed - TopicsExpress


Now is the cold hour of our discontent, made hot by the fuel fed into the beast of fire. The hour draws near where men and women will be tested to their words. Their empty threats shall be made full and overflow to flood the land with the blood of patriots. We stand at the edge of our Orwellian world looking inwards at the rotting carcass made foul by the stench of greed. You have been given a choice by God himself to make right the wrongs we have been inflicted with, to cure the disease we allowed on this land. You are being given a choice to sit idly by as cowards in the dark, clinging to what you call life. I call that obedient slavery, quick to run your mouths dry but slow and unwilling to take a stand and bite back at your masters for fear of loss of life and wealth. You cling onto this shred of false hope, turning your cheek to the light. No more, rise up in arms against the tyrants you speak ill of. Step out from your shells you chickens of men and move forward. Very near is our order to march, in mere months time you will be called upon. Are you willing to demonstrate your will to fight or rather you rot behind the shield of your computer and take freedom back? If death is what you are afraid of then steel yourselves and make whole your life and push on. Rally forth that courage you brag of and march forward. One man, nor one hundred men, can do this alone. It takes the effort of all true patriots. And I dare the man or woman to call themselves patriots who will not fight. Freedom was earned by the bayonet, and by God they will have to take it from me by the bayonet. The time is now and when you are called upon do not hide, do not betray your oath. There are forces tearing us apart, and I dare them to call themselves patriots; those scum who feel content with the current state of the union. Our country, our freedom, and our families are at stake should we do nothing. Tighten your sinews, make hot the fires of your rage, and let loose the sons of freedom. Mountain Man M75, NW GA
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 09:47:50 +0000

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