Now just 0.99 through Titan Publishing house and Amazon. Come take - TopicsExpress


Now just 0.99 through Titan Publishing house and Amazon. Come take advantage of this great deal. Standing in the Eye of the Storm and Stilling the Thunder both for 0.99. Come get it before the Grinch has stolen it. https://youtube/watch?v=Xcg7c6Ue5R8 Prologue Alonzo Moretti Davis was looking sharp in his black tux as he stood waiting for his wife to kiss the children goodbye. They had waited for this night out for the last few years. Miriam didn’t seem to trust any one person with the children, and it had made it difficult for them to go out alone. Tonight was different. Alonzo had the perfect venue picked for their anniversary. He had looked forward to it and had planned it down to the second of each activity he wanted to share with her. If it had been up to him, they would have taken at least the night to spend together. They hadn’t been alone since before the birth of their son. He missed the time he had been able to be alone with her, but he loved that she embraced motherhood. He loved his children, and Miriam would have given her last breath for them. He watched her with a grin as he listened to the instructions she ticked off to Mrs. Rosen. Each instruction was laid out in order of importance. Alonzo had to laugh as he listened to his overly protective wife. “Miriam, if we don’t leave, we aren’t going to be on time. Besides, Mrs. Rosen knows what she’s doing.” His wife had smiled, and her brown eyes danced as she admired him. Assisting her with her coat, she shrugged it on. His son had looked up in wonderment of him as he assisted his mother. He had always tried to teach his son to treat the women in his life like a delicate flower. From the time he was able to understand, he had told him that women were strong, but they needed attention and love. It was their job to see that they were protected and well taken care of. He winked at his boy and knew that he had gotten the message when he had given him a sheepish grin and saluted his father as they walked out the door. As they drove toward the Riverfront Restaurant, Alonzo talked with Miriam, and they both had smiled and laughed as they remembered how they had met. The ice on the windshield had reminded him of the day she had walked into the cafe where he was sitting after a class. She had walked in the little café, preparing for her shift at Whitecaps Java. She had just rounded the counter when he had noticed her. He had known her shift by then like the back of his hand and had made a point to be there. He had never gotten up enough courage to ask her out, but he was determined that was going to change. He had watched her all through their freshman year of college, just waiting his turn between boyfriends, and this was his chance. He had thought many times over that she hadn’t noticed that he was around, acting mostly like the young men didn’t matter, but they were attracted to her like bees to honey. Walking over to the table next to him, she had slid on a patch of water. The iced coffee she carried had spilled on the floor at her feet. Before she had hit the floor, he had reached out to catch her, and she had fallen back into his arms and against his chest. I guess you could say that the opportunity had inadvertently fallen into his lap. She gasped as she had seen him looking down on her. Her doe-brown eyes were large and hypnotizing, leaving him unable to speak a word for a moment. “I am so sorry,” she had said and had tried to push up from where she had landed. He wanted to assist her up, but he couldn’t let go of her. She hadn’t offered to get up again, and he had bent down and kissed her. The tray that was now empty skidded to the floor among the coffee and ice. Her kiss had left him breathless. She had him from the moment she looked at him. Her eyes remained wide as she remained silent and had caressed his cheek. “I guess I have to marry you now and make an honest woman of you.” Miriam wasn’t sure how to react. She was stunned from his remark and continued to hold on to him as the patrons of the shop looked at them. The stares hadn’t made much difference as she was cradled in his arms. All had become right with the world from that moment. Picking up her hand, he placed it to his lips and pressed a soft kiss against it. “I love you, Miriam. I would have never thought that you would have gone for a guy like me.” “And what was wrong with a guy like you?” Miriam had prompted him. “You know I didn’t have much at the time and I was so backward.” “Yes, but that was part of what made you so charming. The material things didn’t matter to me. I would have gone out with you anytime.” “You hadn’t noticed me before that day in the cafe.” He laughed. “You were too busy with Bob, Bill, whatever his name was.” “Brandon, and yes, I was. You just hadn’t ever gotten around to asking me out.” “Well, I’m glad I did. I can’t imagine my life without you.” “Or I you.” Miriam squeezed his hand as he studied the road in the darkness of that winter night. “What do you think of Elijah? Isn’t he becoming the charmer?” “He’s a carbon copy of you, Alonzo. Even at his tender age, I am surprised that the little girls aren’t falling all over him. You have taught him well.” “Yeah, the lady killer.” Alonzo had laughed, and he could see the smile on his wife’s face from the corner of his eye. “I just hope when he grows up, he knows how to love and appreciate a young lady.” “I’m sure that you will teach him well. You haven’t done so bad yourself. You are the charmer, Mr. Davis.” “Well, it wasn’t because my father was there to teach me.” “You can’t blame him, Alonzo. He was just a boy when you were born.” “My mother was a young girl without any support, but she managed without him. My father doesn’t even know where I am or my name. I am not sure that he’s alive. All he ever did from the time I remember was drink.” “Give him a benefit of a doubt. It wasn’t easy to raise a child at his age.” “Momma was fifteen, Miriam. My father had a responsibility, and he walked out on us. I’m surprised that I turned out as well as I have.” Alonzo reached over his chest and adjusted the sidearm he had strapped against him and continued driving through the snow and slush of the semidark night. The lights approached him at a rapid speed, and as he tried to adjust his thinking of what was happening, he placed an arm over his wife as if she was a child. Miriam had not noticed, as she was placing lipstick over her pale lips. “Move.” Alonzo gritted his teeth as he had seen there was nowhere to go but off the road. The driver of the car was headed straight for them, the high beams of the lights reflected on him as it illuminated the interior of the car like daytime. “Hold on, Miriam,” Alonzo had said in a cool voice. Her scream had filled the car as it skidded. Alonzo had tried to veer it out of the path of the oncoming vehicle, but it had been in vain. The car hit a patch of ice, and it had thrown them directly in the other car’s path sideways, being hit on the passenger-side door. The impact had thrown Miriam over into Alonzo’s lap, snapping her seatbelt in two pieces. Alonzo had tried to protect his wife as he held to her, trying to steer the car out of the path of the driver. He had died instantly. The car had been pushed once it was hit into a ditch. The impact had broken his neck. Miriam had survived but for only minutes after the crew arrived to retrieve her from the twisted vehicle. The last thing that she had said prior to her death was Elijah’s name. https://facebook/…/Life-Storms-Boo…/379332325526193… https://youtube/watch?v=Rh5ekZrFw58 https://youtube/watch?v=Xcg7c6Ue5R8 https://youtube/watch?v=clKdl-aESA4 https://youtube/watch?v=PVB31euPu08 Stilling the Thunder…/e/B00DT9Z4…/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_2……/e/B00DT9Z4…/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_2…
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 03:03:36 +0000

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