Now, let me get to this uninformed so called CITIZENS AGAINST - TopicsExpress


Now, let me get to this uninformed so called CITIZENS AGAINST CORRUPTION GROUP. First of all, everything I stated is and was true. Dan Calloway and his Youth Recreation Association did solicit and received $1,200.00 each for a total of $2,400.00 from Councilwoman Judy Davis and Councilman Bruce Guyton, the request was for Thanksgiving dinner at The Villa Francisca senior citizen complex. There is no doubt that this event occurred. Councilman Bruce Guyton said he was in attendance and several other citizen stated this occurred and they were in attendance. Councilwoman Judy Davis and Councilman Bruce Guyton are to be commended for supporting a cause for the seniors with the Taxpayers citizens Community Benefits fund. Now this is where it gets controversial, Mr. Calloway and his Youth Recreation Association also requested the same amount of monies from the same council persons, Judy Davis and Bruce Guyton, they complied with the request $1,200.00 each for a total of $2,400.00 for the Christmas turkey give away. The request was direct and to the point as to what the monies would be used for. a 501c3 non profit organization has to state what the donation will be used for. Well after checking around I found not but one person knew of a turkey give away for Christmas was Councilman Cedrick Thomas .Mr. Thomas stated on the record at a council meeting he knew Mr. Calloway and his Youth Recreation Association gave out turkeys because they gave him turkeys for his turkey give away, I asked if that was ethical for council persons to donate to a 501c non profit organization. At the next council meeting, Councilman Thomas stated he did not say that, he said he gave Mr. Calloway and his Youth Recreation Association turkeys for their give away. They make mention of all the things the Youth organization support, that is great, but lets not muddy the water. This money was requested for a specific purpose, a Christmas Turkey giveaway. I am a 69 year resident, my family came to This city in the 1920s> I have a right as a citizen and a taxpayer to ask what happen to the taxpayer funds. Richard Wester is not always attacking people that are trying to help people. I agree, Dan Calloway has done a lot for people in Riviera Beach and the surrounding communities. I too have done a lot for people in the City of Riviera Beach and the surrounding communities. I dont need a plaque with my name on it or on a public complex for recognition. I have approved mortgage loans for citizens to purchase homes, I have approved loans to save citizens homes from foreclosure and many other financial endeavors when the taxpayers needed assistance. I will give you one name to check this out with CITIZENS AGAINST CORRUPTION. Ask retired Fire Chief Troy Perry If I approved a Loan for him to purchase a home. You see I dont need to have my name on signage or a plaque, I am not a paper hanger. I dont seek recognition for helping my fellow citizens. Now just why in the world would I be jealous of Dan Calloway, This is not about Mr.. Calloway, this is about TAXPAYER FUNDS. Please dont try and make this a personal issue CITIZENS AGAINST CORRUPTION. Now, Mr. Calloway did not help me get no Fire Chief job. Since you brought this up Ill tell you . Acting City Manager Dennis Widlansky appointed me. Mr. Calloway remembers the conversation he and I had at Parthenons restaurant with reference to my appointment to Fire Chief by Acting City Manager Dennis Widlansky. I dont need to be as you say yourMAN OF THE YEAR I know who I am and what I stand for, As I stated, I have help citizens all my life. Again< Dont try and make this a personal Issue, who ever you are. RICHARD C. WESTER RETIRED FIRE CHIEF CITY OF RIVIERA BEACH 1969-1995
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 13:51:58 +0000

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