Now let me tell you where i am. ZAMBEEF saga my foot! Think about - TopicsExpress


Now let me tell you where i am. ZAMBEEF saga my foot! Think about it for a moment; So which of the many aldehydes did they find? and which scientific publication said it causes cancer and might i add which cancer? so it was found in imported meat products which, as i have to understand, was certified by the zambian agencies. Has a finger or thumb been pointed at these agencies whose primary purpose is to protect the public even before the meat crosses the border? The silent assumption is that ZAMBEEF actively put aldehyde in the meat. That said, how many aldehydes are used in agri-business here in zambia? MANY. and why the sudden noise as if its new information? We can look for theses compounds in other products and we will find them, then what are we going to say? Must i add that anyone who went to medical school at UNZA was exposed to one very strong aldehyde every day for over 18 months from the time the school opened. If it is indeed dangerous zambian doctors, at least those trained in zambia, would be dying of the same disease or cancer as some people would want us to believe. So now tell me, what is the real saga here? I see score settling and hate driving this agenda. But then thats just my opinion. This story is damaging a home grown company that employs 4,999 zambians much like ZESCO which has 5000 employees or there about. What if ZAMBEEF goes under and then we come to learn that the compound that caused such huge job loses was actually harmless? What if? Someone is deciding for us what is truth. only trouble is when we choose to take things at face value. Anyone who has been covered by our local media or indeed international media knows that the truth is sacrifices on the alter of profit, expedience and in some case pure hatred.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 04:59:41 +0000

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