Now more than ever, our country needs us. Our country is off - TopicsExpress


Now more than ever, our country needs us. Our country is off the rails on so many key issues important to veterans: Over $17 trillion in debt; the VA scandal; swapping a deserter for five terrorists while a combat-decorated Marine is abandoned in a Mexican jail; the downsizing of our military at a time when our national security is threatened and foreign policy is failing. I refuse to sit back and allow the ideals that made this nation great quietly fade away, and you cant either. So how can we make sure that our country doesnt lose its grasp on the things we fought for? Its simple. We need to unite and Get Out The Veterans, or #GOTVets. It is up to us-those who understand that freedom is not free and must be constantly defended-to hold our elected leaders accountable. Together, veterans are 22 million strong. And when united with our families, we are an electoral powerhouse that cannot be ignored. Concerned Veterans for Americas #GOTVets initiative is the perfect tool to galvanize that powerhouse and mobilize it to get to the polls. Like so many other combat veterans of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Dan Caldwell - who served with the 1st Marine Division in al Anbar province - has been watching with horror as the progress he fought for in Iraq has disappeared in to the hands of ISIS. In a recent video, he explains how our leadership and foreign policy in the region have failed us - and how veterans can fix it by making their voices heard at the ballot box. Now more than ever, our country needs us. Our country is off the rails on so many key issues important to veterans: Over $17 trillion in debt; the VA scandal; swapping a deserter for five terrorists while a combat-decorated Marine is abandoned in a Mexican jail; the downsizing of our military at a time when our national security is threatened and foreign policy is failing. I refuse to sit back and allow the ideals that made this nation great quietly fade away, and you cant either. So how can we make sure that our country doesnt lose its grasp on the things we fought for? Its simple. We need to unite and Get Out The Veterans, or #GOTVets. It is up to us-those who understand that freedom is not free and must be constantly defended-to hold our elected leaders accountable. Together, veterans are 22 million strong. And when united with our families, we are an electoral powerhouse that cannot be ignored. Concerned Veterans for Americas #GOTVets initiative is the perfect tool to galvanize that powerhouse and mobilize it to get to the polls. Like so many other combat veterans of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Dan Caldwell - who served with the 1st Marine Division in al Anbar province - has been watching with horror as the progress he fought for in Iraq has disappeared in to the hands of ISIS. In a recent video, he explains how our leadership and foreign policy in the region have failed us - and how veterans can fix it by making their voices heard at the ballot box. Please, take a few minutes to view Dans story. Watch the video here. youtube/watch?v=BDOGUOVROTk&list=UUZBYA4vYaQQbsBzbOGApFig Like Dan, and as a former U.S. Army helicopter pilot who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan myself, it has been extremely difficult for me to watch everything I fought for slip away. Since our nation was founded, 1.3 million men and women have worn the uniform of this country and paid the ultimate price to ensure that it remains free. I view it as my sacred duty to honor the fallen by exercising my right to vote. I know my vote will make a difference, and so will yours. Using Concerned Veterans for Americas #GOTVets website, you can find your polling place, volunteer to get the message out, or hear from other veterans about why its vital that veterans get out and vote. Read more info HERE! Americas veterans can no longer afford to be passive and watch everything we fought to defend go to waste. It is time to take our country back before its too late. Get out, get involved and get to the ballot box. Your country still needs you. Make your vote count. Go vote. You will make a difference. See you at the polls! Amber Smith Military Advisor Concerned Veterans for America
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 23:50:26 +0000

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