Now on a more serious note…My opinion is too damn long-winded, - TopicsExpress


Now on a more serious note…My opinion is too damn long-winded, but I ate my Wheaties today… Provocateur and cable TV host BILL MAHER is feeling the wrath of his formerly adoring fans in the University of California, Berkley – the home of the historic “Free Speech Movement.” Sorry about their betrayal, Bill. But what goes around, comes around. Don’t lose your head! In 1964 - 1965 the “Free-Speech Movement” in Berkley, California was touted as a fresh air approach that would enhance the unrestricted currency of transformative ideas on American college campuses. Truly, it was a much-needed movement. Although the movement was originated by well-intentioned progressive college students, it soon devolved into a movement dominated by America-hating and overly-privileged left-leaning twenty-year olds (who ironically, were raised in the stately homes of wealthy Republican families… Hillary Clinton comes to mind). Now unfortunately the children (and grand-children) of these “Flower Children” have picked up where their radical tie-dye elders stopped. “Blame America first” is seemingly their motto – rather than “Don’t Tread on Me.” For too many years, such effete and elitist liberals have made a quasi-religion out of promoting free expression, as long as such speech conformed to a certain level of politically correct “group-think.” Indeed, on today’s college campuses students will encounter a panoply of restrictive speech codes that are carefully crafted to suppress conservative opinion. Furthermore, nowadays if a conservative speaker is somehow (somehow!) invited to speak on a college campus, such speakers are routinely uninvited or rudely shouted down by the unwashed mob. So much for tolerance, diversity, and the ideal of free speech thriving on a typical liberal college campus. Imagine my surprise (not really) when I heard that talk show host and uber-LIBERAL Bill Maher received heaps of left-wing opprobrium in reaction to his invitation to deliver the December commencement speech at the liberal higher learning bastion of Berkley, California. Many liberal students denounced him, because he dared to speak the brutal and unvarnished truth about radical Islam on his cable TV show. Yes, Bill Maher spoke plainly about the despicable ISIS-inspired Muslims who burn down Middle-Eastern Christian churches, rape little girls in conquered villages, and hammer crucifixes through the throats of innocent Christians who refuse to renounce Jesus Christ – and yet in today’s crazy world of political correctness gone wild, Mr. Maher is now the bad guy. Go figure. As things stand now, Bill Maher is on the liberals’ so-called “Shit List” – a victim of their penchant for selective outrage. CAN YOU IMAGINE THESE SECULAR, MISGUIDED, TYRANICAL BULLIES GETTING ALL FIRED UP ABOUT MR. MAHER SPEAKING CRITICALLY ABOUT CATHOLICS, EVANGELICALS, OR JEWS? Nope…They would barely bat an eyelash if he or anyone insulted Christianity or the Jewish faith. I guess for many American liberals, Islamic barbarity offers the West an opportunity to demonstrate some kind of warped religious tolerance. Yes, when a Muslim extremist cuts off an infidel’s head, we should make excuses for the cruel murderer; but if a Christian missionary should baptize a native’s head that would be cause for harsh condemnation. In a sense, it all reminds me of the French Revolution. The guillotine was initially used to eliminate members of the monarchy; but soon the righteous mob cut off the heads of impure revolutionaries, too...That swishing sound is the blade of liberal intolerance falling on Mr. Mahers neck… Solution for Bill? Sadly, he will doubtless ramp up his anti-American sarcasm, and become more of a Left-leaning douche bag to appease the rumbling gods of intolerant liberalism. – Larry B.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 13:05:57 +0000

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