Now people, can you now see the level of ASSNESSS this Govt - TopicsExpress


Now people, can you now see the level of ASSNESSS this Govt reveals each time they are faced with a situation? Imagine KPB, in response to the observation of the LACK OF CONCERN for the Muslim Trinbagonians who have been incarcerated in Venezuela for about 6 months,says We cant invade Venezuela? Now, would someone please reveal to me where, in any of the cries for assistance did anyone ask for an invasion of Venezuela? Apparently KPB is having one of her drunken delusions of grandeur, where she envisions herself as the President of the USA or Russia? Because these are the only 2 scenarios in which an invasion can be envisioned. What the populace have been crying out for ever since these countrymen have been incarcerated is DIPLOMATIC INTERVENTION. Since these brothers have been in Venezuela, how often has any member of the Foreign Affairs Ministry including the Minister visited them? Interacted with the Venezuelan Authorities? Where is the level of concern shown by the so-called MOTHER OF THE NATION? In fact, shes behaving more like a MOTHER C&%T than a mother. As a prudent forceful leader, one would expect that she would play her DIPLOMATIC CARDS in a more tactical manner. Firstly, Venezuela is on the brink of civil war, their citizens are literally escaping from the country. 90% are heading to TnT, a large number illegally. Lets close our borders, ooops I forgot, we have NO OPVs to man our borders. Ok, lets start checking on the validity of the stay of all these so-called students. What does Venezuela want from TnT? Virtually everything for daily survival;there are shortages from A-Z in Venezuela, what do we REALLY need from them that we cant obtain elsewhere? NOTHING. KPB needed to assert herself as the leader of a small, yet influential nation in the region who was upset by their actions. Has the Govt called on any of our FRIENDS for assistance in this situation? NO. So whilst our fellow Trinbagonians sit languishing in a Venezuelan shit hole, KPB and the JOKEY SQUAD continue to F&%K AROUND with this nation and its citizens. Is this the way they want to TAKE CARE of this nation? As usual, the concept of GOOD GOVERNANCE is as foreign to them as an ALASKAN BLIZZARD. I guess they probably assumed that those brothers, by being connected to Inshan Ishmael, are not supportive of their Govt so they dont matter? Whatever their reason, it is yet another example of the selfish,uncaring attitude of this INCLUSIVE Govt. SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS!!!! Beat up if you want, its my opinion.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 13:30:15 +0000

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