Now that I’ve had a few hours to reflect on the fire, I’d like - TopicsExpress


Now that I’ve had a few hours to reflect on the fire, I’d like to share some thoughts with my friends. A lot of you have offered to help with the cleanup, but honestly, between me, the insurance company and contractors, I will recover from the damage that was done to my house and the surrounding area. It won’t be easy but I will get it done. The thing that overwhelms me and where I do need the most help is with clearing the cedar trees off of my property. Much of the area that burned recently, also burned several years ago. Even so, many of the cedar trees grew back and new ones were spawned from others. Fire is Mother Nature’s way of cleansing the Earth if we don’t do it. This is the third time a fire has gotten close to my house. It’s never been this “close” before but this is not the first time. The best thing I can do to help prevent it from happening again or something even worse from happening is to remove the cedars and brush. Anyway, it is very difficult for me to ask for help. It usually takes something pretty extreme to prompt me to ask for help. I am asking for help now. Even if you can’t work a chainsaw or do physical labor, you can still help. I plan on feeding those who help so we will need people to help with cooking, making sure everyone has water and other support functions. We can even have a keg party/campout afterward. I’d like to do something in April because I think there is something happening every weekend in May. Beej did you ever decide on a date for your non-event? A lot of people are involved in or going to the Medieval Fair the first weekend in April and there is Iron Thistle on the 26th. Angela, let me know when you decide on a date for the picnic. When some of you offered to help, it reminded me of how they used to do barn raisings in pioneer days. The community came together to help one member then, the next event helped another, and so on… We need that kind of support system. There have been way too many natural disasters recently and many members of our community have been affected. Most of us are too proud to ask for or accept offers of help. We need to make each other realize it’s OK to ask for help. Many people want to help, but we don’t ask. Between the tornadoes, wild fires and earthquakes, we NEED a strong, organized support system. I guess I’ll close this post by saying this is a personal plea but I would do the same for you. I just need to know what you need. There is no shame in asking for help. We need to make each other realize it’s OK to ask for help.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 20:32:16 +0000

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