Now that June is here, and when the senior proms are over, the - TopicsExpress


Now that June is here, and when the senior proms are over, the graduation celebrations are done, there will come that day, late August or early September, when you find yourself packing things in a bag, worrying about what he/she will need and what he/she wont. So surreal, because you swear it was just the other day when you were prepping their nurseries with the same goal in mind. Now you realize that you will no longer be able to fully witness what you are sustaining them for. No more watching. (except for virtual nods of Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, that can be more misleading that informative!) You will have that day when you have to tell yourself to get a grip, because this was what you signed up for, this was what you were supposed to do as a mother: love, then let go. You will also feel like standing up and yelling to some mysterious conductor, OK, lets stop this train. Its moving way too fast. #johnMayer But the momentum of life keeps accelerating, ignoring your pleas, and then, all at once, (or so it seems) the trip comes to a halt, saying, OK, so this is where you get off. Seriously? Wait, what if... People will roll their eyes and say you are being an over-dramatic mother, but ignore them, because for those of us who made promises to these little hearts who slept within our wombs, promises to give them more, so much more, and when all of it actually appears to be coming true, all at once, suddenly it seems too large to squeeze through one doorway. But now, standing on the other side of this turnstile and I release a great big sigh for making it through Joeys launch, I know I made it because I took time to witness my own wants, needs, transgressions, and imperfections. I was able to feel transformed through the process. So, parents, dont belittle what comes up. Cry with it, laugh with with, be disgusted with it, be humbled by it, because its #allGood! Next year, as my little Tommy finishes his senior year, you can tell me, Get a grip, this was what you were supposed to do.; and I will slide through his doorway a little easier. Maybe... [first time launchers: Renee Currier Manderson Debbie Manion Powroznik
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 12:52:48 +0000

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