Now that Lucy has full sound it is time to up our game on the - TopicsExpress


Now that Lucy has full sound it is time to up our game on the auditory verbal component! It is crucial that we harness to limited time we have to flood her with meaningful sound. This morning we started with a reading session where we read these books slowly and with cadence and rhythm and inflection. Lucy was engaged (this was impossible before). After each book she wanted to re-read each one back to me. At the end she grabbed Ballet slippers (way too advanced for now) but I assigned a simple word or phrase from her auditory arsenal to each page like help or uh oh or pretty girls after that she asked to put on ballet clothes. Then she wanted a skirt to go with it. Of course we didnt have one so we made one on my sewing machine. I explained what we were doing like cut the ribbon, cut cut cut And tie and knot knot knot. Then Lucy decided she was hungry. We made pancakes but she had to ask for syrup, a fork, and a knife.. So it gave me the chance to walk her through asking Mama, Fork Mama, ssssssss (syrup) She is relying on her verbal skills. Input is more important than output. It is a modeling and teaching thing. She seemed very interested in the alphabet when we were reading Chica boom boom so we made the letters i and glued googly eyes on. She knows the body part eye so I am attempting to help her assign the verbal sound to the letter. All this before 9:30 and Im beat!! Now Henry wants to make a tee pee!!
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 14:17:37 +0000

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