Now that Noah, Heaven is for Real, and God is Not Dead are - TopicsExpress


Now that Noah, Heaven is for Real, and God is Not Dead are available in Redbox, this admin is finally willing to watch them since I refuse to promote Biblical swill with anything more than a rental price (and I DO consider pirating movies off the Internet to be stealing), and bringing you a VERY late review of these movies, assuming that you havent seen them yet. I have had an IDEA of what these movies ARE, but I believe that it would smack of the same kind of ignorance and flat-out stupidity that the religious reich exhibits to merely judge something with no frame of reference. I will NOT be watching them all at once, as there is only so much insult to ones intelligence that one can take in a single day. First up ... Noah: I now know why the Evangelical Reich Wing of the world is so pissed off at this movie. Its actually pretty GOOD. Of course, the SANE person realizes that this story didnt ACTUALLY HAPPEN, but if you want a neat popcorn flick thats got great special effects, its not the WORST WAY that you could spend a couple of hours. The reason that CHRISTIANS are pissed off at this thing, I would imagine, is because it does NOT adhere to the Bi(b)le story. Not only has artistic license been taken (which is, of course, necessary to fill out the length of a movie), but the story of creation is laid out throughout the film in a way that is science-friendly. There is one scene in which Noah tells the story of creation, and it clearly shows a progression of EVOLUTION from one-celled organisms to humankind. The word God isnt used ONCE throughout the film. Instead, the entity is referred to as The Creator. An amusing addendum is that ONE of the doomed actually manages to stow away on the ship, and survives hidden while killing and eating quite a few of the animals, which suggests that creatures such as unicorns and gremlins MIGHT have actually gotten onto the boat. :D In THIS admins opinion, Emma Watson is proving herself to be a SPECTACULAR actress. All in all, I believe Bill Mahers opinion on the matter was the most accurate and succinct: Christians are pissed off because HOLLYWOODS made-up bullshit isnt the same thing as THEIR made-up bullshit.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 13:18:23 +0000

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