Now that Ramadan is over I just have a couple of after thoughts in - TopicsExpress


Now that Ramadan is over I just have a couple of after thoughts in regards to the charity world. I really do feel the adhab has been lost in charity work and fundraising. I have seen charities and people going to very low levels in order to raise money over other charities. It is our responsibility as staff and workers of these organisations to work with respect and through the right means. Without naming charities there have been many charities collecting without permits for street collections during Ramadan and this is a common occurence. If you havent applied for the permit you simply shouldnt be collecting. It is illegal and also you are taking donations away from a charity that was bothered enough to apply for a permit. Whatever way you look at this it is haram and proper diligence must be made with these things. 100% donation policy - why is this used as a means to put down other charities? There is absolutely nothing wrong with charities taking admin fees. In fact Allah has mentioned in the Quran that a portion of Zakat can go towards those collecting the money and delivering the work. Why have we used this as a means for people to not donate? Isnt that affectively saying our charity is better then yours because of this? In that case it means the people this charities you talk about who have admin fees shouldnt be getting donations to help their beneficiaries. Is that really what we want? I hear so many stories nowadays of charities trying to take volunteers from other charities and people talking bad about charities. This really needs to stop and we need to have respect for one another. If you are employed by a charity you shouldnt be looking to take volunteers from you charity to other ones. Why should you benefit from someone elses hard work? I know volunteers can volunteer for whatever cause but us as workers need to ensure we respect boundaries until someone actively wants to volunteers for you charity. Volunteers- when volunteering for different charities stop talking about other charities. Its disrespectful. Stay focused on the work that charity has assigned you and ensure you are an asset to them. Dont go to events of one charity wearing another charities t shirt and things like that. Have respect for the people you are helping. I dont mean to go on a rant and for some of these points I am also guilty of bad practice so this is good advice for myself as well as others. Insha Allah we can go back to the roots of why we do this work and put more barakah in what we do.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 23:03:33 +0000

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