Now that a few “haters” have made their presence known let me - TopicsExpress


Now that a few “haters” have made their presence known let me address the issue they present me with. First I love you anyway. Second what we do now is forever. We are crossing bridges we shouldn’t be on and burning them behind us. There are 41 million plus people here very possibly following a path based only on the faith they have in their leaders and they should at least be informed as to the possibilities that represents. Many of our leaders themselves need more information to make better, more balanced and reasonable decisions for their constituents. How can I after being asked ceremoniously to embark on such an important journey allow myself to be deterred from it? Keep in mind that I was specifically asked to do just what I’m doing now and more, under oath and witnessed by other brothers. I don’t know of anyone was put in such a position although their possibly were others. Further it is apparent that what I do is necessary because no one else seems to be doing it or at least they’re not offering so complete a picture and to the depths necessary. And if they are they’re very possibly acting on information I helped make available over the 30 plus years I’ve been at it (read my wall). Furthermore, “hating” or disagreeing with what I do only gives validation to what I write about. It increases the possibility that what I say is true and credible. Because of the nature of the adverse responses my words must be real and hit home. They must have a strong truth element to them for some individuals to be concerned enough to address them as they’ve done. I also see their work with regard to my book “RoadWindows” that a few people have been talking about and I have to wonder what the affects were they had in mind with regard to its reviews and sales. My question now is are they going to do the same for the upcoming release of my second edition of “Potent Enterprise”. If so let me introduce it now while this explanation is public. What follows is the author’s page. It will give readers an idea of what to expect from the publication in the next couple of weeks when becomes available and why. Here goes. About the Author It seems the simpler the rules one lives by the more complicated one’s life becomes. It’s the reason I write. Those intricacies plea for “interet incessant” and “possibilites infines”; create menace, bode evil, drama and then hope. As they are for me, “shards of glass”, “droppings”, emotions and their brunt if I may, they are valid because they are my profile. One that I would hope, champions ethical principles suggesting a crusader although reality may lean more to the profile of the pioneer. As they are also my most memorable moments they connect easily to explain what it is I write about. A short list of those moments or images follows here. You decide if my profile, no doubt one belonging to others as well, is of the crusader, the pioneer or both. One of the earliest images that impacted my life was in a tenement in the west Bronx where I first remember living. Our building was old and leaning even up on the sixth floor. There was a small candy store next door the size of a hallway that had a yellow-orange freezer with the Coca Cola logo in its trademark red script on the side. Those days you had to fill the freezer with ice and water but the shapely coke bottles with the same color caps were icy cold. Outside, clothes lines were strewn from fire escapes across the street although ours was in the back of the building. People were so despondent back then, they would throw their garbage right out the window into the backyard. Imagine that when we moved the garbage reached up to the second floor. Later, a second image that stayed with me were the children on the Red Cross posters from Africa, the East, South America and even Appalachia with their eyes wide and reflections of clouds drifting in their darkened pupils. Their faces were hollow and wanting to ask; I know I am not of you but still, how could you let this happen…to anyone? It was an image to open the toughest steel trap. I was impressed again when I went away to college. I remember some friends and myself venturing outside town and seeing people living in swamps and shacks along small streams. The paths leading up to the small crooked structures were of old tires, boards and broken doors to prevent you from sinking into the murky water. I wondered how every evening when the mist and rank from the swamp overtook the area they could manage or even see. I can close my eyes now and smell the sourness rising to cover the area in a blanket of mist seven feet high. The whites living a few more miles out in the trailer parks fared little better. But however poignant those images were they would be outdone when I encountered modern day slaves living in Brooklyn. Picture a tree dying; spirit withered like those sagging clotheslines or those willow reeds flaccid in the marsh; people broken by a brutal authority. Translucent, imagine that they have no soul and that god doesn’t hear their prayers because they are property. If someone had told me those things exist I wouldn’t have believed them. I had to see it for myself. It’s ravaged my morality. The most powerful image I found however was looking back at me in the mirror. I imagined those same eyes from the Red Cross posters asking “What if you were me?” It left a code of depravity and failings that transformed how I would live. But it led me to a superior code I describe herein more fit for our dilemmas and times and more meritorious than anything I know. It’s outlined in all our great books on virtue and knowledge and it’s called ethics. There’s something wrong when with today’s resources we cannot provide food or shelter for people and there are modern day slaves being harvested for their organs. Those eyes seduced me forever imbedding in that code that the necessitous will always have an ally and dominion over my wrath. Surely I am a better man for it and sleeping good at night affords consolation if any is needed. The Good Doctor Leo E. Rochon Dr. Leo E. Rochon has graciously agreed to edit both my books, first “Potent Enterprise” which is offered here in its revised edition and then “RoadWindows”. Our discussions lasted hours. Watching him retrieve books for reference and hearing the words, “let me show you”, or “look at this” made me wish I had been one of his students during his over fifty years as an honored an awarded lecturer and administrator within the business realm. He edited Potent Enterprise and although not completely satisfied said, “Well ok, this is your first book and the ideas are good. Again the idea is for the reader to come away with something. I think you’ve done that here.” He said of “RoadWindows”, this is much better but make sure the facts are absolutely correct, double check and even triple check them. And it needs more foot notes.” Had I been one of his students those books would have been written long before now. I look forward to future collaborations with the professor. The Nigel and Loxy Publishing Company was started with a friend named Henry “Butch” Williams. Potent Enterprise, the 2nd and revised edition is our flagship publication. It is an idea that Nigel and Loxy Publishing, the company, might be a testament to the profile of the crusader or pioneer business venture. You decide. They are both good definitions for our company and our supporters. Until the world is a better place…Leslie Lox along with Henry “Butch” Williams, principals of the Nigel and Loxy Publishing Company.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 18:18:57 +0000

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