Now that everyone is mourning and talking about Robin Williams - TopicsExpress


Now that everyone is mourning and talking about Robin Williams suicide, I wish more people mourn and try and help the many soldiers committing suicide every day. The number is up to an average of 22, one every 65 minutes. I am beginning to understand why so many people, not just veterans, but people in general are committing suicide. PTSD is partially the reason but rather the dramatic shift in society is greater. The global economy is collapsing. Families are being ripped apart by stress, disloyalty or greed. Greed is the sole cause of Veterans, college graduates, and even prior middle-class elderly living on the streets. Businesses won’t hire anyone who does not have years of experience and or a charismatic personality (Veterans have neither). You can’t talk to employers about jobs these days anyway, because they use third-party job recruiters who’s sole purpose is to hire you and barter your skills to employers for a cut of your salary. Technology and society are beginning to clash. Technology is taking over everything. We don’t talk on the phone anymore, we send text messages or emails. We don’t find love by gaining the courage to walk up and talk to someone, we use online meat markets. Many get rejected without a single word spoken, and for those who do find happiness, it often ends in heartache via a Facebook message. We are becoming a dissociated society, and some just do not want any part of it. For their part- I don’t blame them. I am not a conspiracy theorist or antagonist, but I did learn that 1 + 1 = 2 and to find the patterns in 2, 4, 6 … a long time ago. I know where the world is heading and so do/did many others.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 03:46:25 +0000

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