Now that fanatical comment is no longer being posted on my wall, - TopicsExpress


Now that fanatical comment is no longer being posted on my wall, lets start all over again. I am truly against all wars and all forms of violence. I truly wish for a cease-fire. I truly wish that these two nations (Israel/ palestine) will stop acting in ways which may be perceived by the other party as provocation. I truly wish this (&^%##@#%^*) called Holy War during the month of ramadan will stop, (everywhere in the world). I truly recognise that Palestinians have rights to return to at least a defined portion of Israel, not because Israel Jews do not have rights over it, but purely on humanitarian grounds. Israel itself was agreeable to that. There would need to be a new resolution. The pre-1967 resolution will no longer be applicable (and who is US to interfere? Let these two countries come to an agreement). I would again refer to the case of chagossians. What happens if when they return to chagos from their exile in mauritius, they find chagos occupied?. [like when Jews returned to Israel after their exile by Romans in years 67-137 A.D. Jews were given the right to the land by British who then ruled over Israel]. Chagossians would have two options: fight the settled invaders or share chagos with those settled invaders. Israel Jews can be compared to our Chagossians. It is worth noting that, both in 1937 and 1947, Israel Jewish agreed to share Israel with Palestinians. Arab Palestinians never wanted to share. The Arabs want the whole of Israel . Now what happens if the settled invaders wage war with chagossians? we expect chagossians to retaliate, right? Thats exactly what Israel Jews did when Arabs attacked them in 1947 and when Palestinians did Jihad wars in 1967. Unfortunately, there has been no permanent peace. The issue is as simple as that! Encourage these two nations to reach some agreement in peaceful negociations and do not interfere! At any rate, stop siding with Palestinians on purely common-religion grounds. And stop seeing Israel as the monster just because it is the more powerful nation. When someone attacks you on the road, and you are more powerful than yr attacker, will u let the attacker beat u black and blue just because the attacker is weaker than you? Or will you put him k.o.? I condemn the boycotting of Israel. I condemn PMs and other Parliamentary members speeches regarding support of mauritian people to Palestine. It is NOT all Mauritius that condemns Israel or supports Palestine in its provocation of Israel. Those hypocrites (ministers and citizens) who condemn Israel should also raise their voices when palestinians do Jihad wars against Israel and when they murder Israeli kids! Also, they should do protest marches when Islamic terrorists place bombs throughout the world and thousands of innocent people get killed in countries where there is no war. Some have boldly posted on FB that they are supporting Palestinians on purely religious grounds (I have snapshots as proofs). Palestine has provoked Israel (through the murder of 3 kids and numerous Jihad wars etc...); Israel has retaliated. Whether the retaliation has been excessive or not is another issue. However, it is good if all violence ends, on both parts. Ce ki Palestine ine roder li fine gagner; kan li fine tuer trois adolescents plus amene tou sa bane Jihad wars la contre Israel, Israel ine retaliate. Si li excessif ou pas, ca c ene lote debat!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 09:46:09 +0000

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