Now that female suicide bombers have taken up the dastard acts - TopicsExpress


Now that female suicide bombers have taken up the dastard acts of bombing metropolitan cities in Nigeria, the negative of this actions will bounce on our muslim sisters who wear Hijab. I know most people (both muslims & christians) are disgusted of their wearing of hijabs before now will now use this opportunity to molest our innocent sisters who dress to obey the command of Allah. Sigh! May Allah forbid bad thing, I wont be surprised seeing Nigeria police asking our women to remove their hijabs in public places in the process of searching (doing security job). I pray and hope this my imagination would not come to pass, because if it does it will compound more problems than solutions. To set the record straight, BOKO HARAM are not muslims! Although this sounds paradoxical because to a layman would say a blattant lie. Those that carry Quran, speak arabic language and claim to Islamise Nigeria will not be associated with Islam or muslims? The reason is pretty close; they may partially be regarded as Orientalist Muslims- those that studies Islam in order to use the religion against itself. We have many of them in the Middle-East. The recent name of terrorist we have in the world now is The Separatists they also operate like the Boko-Haram in Nigeria. It is hightime all Nigerians and the World stood up against these beasts of terrorists and uniformly fight them technically and otherwise. For you to agree with me that they are not muslims, they carry out their bombings on the muslim festival day (Eid-ul- Fitr). If it were to be on Christmas Day now Pastor Oritsejafor wouldnt let us rest with his apologetic comments to the Sultan and Nigeria Muslims. Now that it is during our festival he is not talking. That shows his degree of sentimentalism.Be that as it may, it is hightime we all come together to fight the spate of insecurity and insurgency in our lands. Within 24 hours Kano was bombed not living Adamawa behind. Who knows where the attack may spring up today or tomorrow. However, Im not saying Nigeria law enforcement agents should not search muslim women in combating this menace but they shouldnt seize this opportunity to MOLEST our WOMEN. We say NO TO BOKO HARAM!!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 15:38:51 +0000

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